Carlos Salcedo doubts his continuity with the Mexican national team


Mexico's defeat against Brazil, 2-0 in the Octaves of the 2018 Russian World Cup, hit hard in the hearts of the players. The central defender, Carlos Salcedo, left Arena Samara with his will destroyed and even questioned his continuity in the Tricolor team.

" I think the analysis is there, the team did not get the desired result get and in the end is what it is.We are sad because I think the team did a lot of good things, but it's not worthy, but to be energetic, to have kept the Zero .I think it was a good match in the things we wanted, maybe the game did not go as planned, but there are a lot of things to save and think about "he explains. [19659003] VIDEO: Mexicans and Brazilians fight in the stands during the game of the eighths

Then, began to sow doubts. " The truth is that I do not know, I have some things to think, I do not know what will be my future. I am honest and let devastated of this game, I have a lot of emotions that in the end I do not know if I will make a decision or not, but I have a lot of things to think and already. I hope that whoever will be in this world cup, sweat as always the shirt of the Tri, put the eggs that must be put "he said.

" I do not know no, there are many things I have to think, evaluate, talk with my wife, with my loved ones, I will have a time that my club has given me now to have a vacation, I will disconnect and more calm, I will think about the decision I will make. Devastated by the result. I like where I am a man who likes to compete a lot, I do not know if I am very self-critical and I take a lot of things personally. I do not want to make a mistake that I regret, right now there is a lot to think about my future "he added to leave some doubt about his future.

Finally, he regretted not to give the captain to his career. " For Rafa, whom I would have liked with all that he has won, all that he did, he deserved to tell himself goodbye or say goodbye in a better way. For my family, I left with a promise to my friends from the neighborhood where I come from, I spoke to them and it is sad. I hope to digest myself quickly ", concludes Carlos Salcedo


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