Carlos Slim proposes to buy national equipment to save up to 10 mmdp on the NAICM website


MADRID (apro) .- The businessman Carlos Slim has estimated that if the costs of building the New Mexico City International Airport (NAICM) are reduced, as proposed by the virtual elected president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, "I believe that the decision you are evaluating (the next government) is to patch (at the current airport), but I believe that priority should be given to the Purchase of national and non-import material. that the best option is to do the new (…) the truth is a spectacular project by Norman Foster, you can reduce the cost substantially because in addition to being complicated, it is requested that they be imported materials, if they were (national) materials it would cost 40 thousand We would save 10 billion pesos, between 800 and 1 billion pesos of national material, which would be a help to the national economy " , he said.

Slim commented that he had no communication with Andrés Manuel López Obrador after his electoral triumph, with which he had differences of opinion on the NAICM., but insisted that the best follow is to continue with the new and choose to buy national materials and thus generate savings and reactivation of the purchase in the Mexican industry.

"I had no contact (with López Obrador) … Disappointed d relative because I think that private investment is better, public resources are not used for these things, it is better to do it with private money, government budgets are annual and these projects need to to be multiannual ".

Slim, in case the lawsuit with the NAICM is not approved in October, your company would not have a significant financial impact, as they have 14% of the project: "If e cancels the contract is not relevant, the impact for the company is 4%. "

" I think the decision is evaluated and I think that they will come to the conclusion of do it in the new because that's the best option, "said engineer Slim, in an act in which he spent a lot of time talking about the improvement of the Spanish society that is also involved in the NAICM.

The chairman of the Carso group recalled that on the argument of the sinking of the new airport, which is not only produced in this area of ​​Lake Texcoco, but in the old airport and in the Zócalo himself in Mexico City. "If we go back historically, that's the whole area where the roads were where Hernán Cortés came in. The underlying problem is that the aquifers are overexploited, that they consolidate and crack the clay and that this causes the collapse of the city for many years, over the last hundred years it has sunk meters. "there was sinking in the new airport, as in the old. So what needs to be done, it is a relatively short investment, it is to put an end to the overexploitation of the aquifer, it is a national priority, for a question of national security, there is collapse and the watersheds and aquifer are broken and contaminated.

Carlos Slim mentioned that he sees no risk for his companies with the arrival of Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the government. "In fact, I believe that (the next government) has already announced significant investments in two trains, in the energy, in refineries, in the roads and I have no doubt that it will seek to invest in the country. "

The Mexican tycoon, one of the richest men on the planet, said that he sees that there is an austere and more focused government. the domestic sector of the economy.

Among the contracts for the development of the airport of New Mexico, the FCC company – of which Slim is the main shareholder – holds 14% of the largest contract, or 4 280 million euros.

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