Cases of hepatitis B develop in Yucatan due to lack of vaccine


José Salazar / News Milenio
MERIDA, Yucatán.- Given the shortage of vaccine against hepatitis B, which should be applied to all babies at birth, the case of this Yucatán disease continue to increase, adding to date to 21, of which 12 were recorded in the male and 9 in the female sex.

This figure exceeds the number of cases that occurred last year at the same court (23 June), that is 15 infections. The number of cases accumulated at the end of 2017 was 38.

According to specialists, the shortage of vaccines in clinics and hospitals of the health sector that has prevailed since the middle of the 39, last year could generate newborns. contract this disease, which should not occur, since the disease can be prevented by vaccination.

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The lack of biology would have an impact on the most of 4,000 babies born every month in the state, who leave the hospital without the vaccine, the first that they should receive before they go out with BCG (tuberculosis). 19659002] The Ministry of Health of Yucatan, before the shortage declared that the vaccine against hepatitis B, "is not massive application, it is only for one group of people.Health personnel must put it in place because it is at risk. "

Many babies who have nearly one year old have not received any of the doses that make up the vaccine . applies at birth, at the age of two, four and six months. David Canché Durán, pediatric surgeon and professor of public health, said that newborns are the most vulnerable to this disease and that if a case arises, its spread could be imminent.

"Babies can get hepatitis B from breast milk or by being in contact with liquids, so the risk of not being vaccinated against the shortage of organic products is high. On the other hand, we also have health staff who must be vaccinated. But if there is no vaccine, they and their patients are at risk. "

" When they are infected with hepatitis B, they seriously risk dying because the so-called "fulminant hepatitis" may occur .

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