Catholic Church will allow women to participate in internal decisions


A synod of bishops that lasted a month and was marked by claims for women's rights ended Saturday with the affirmation that it "duty of justice"that they participate in tdecisions of the Catholic Church and that she must recognize the urgency of a "inevitable change"

Pope Francis had convened the episcopal meeting to examine alternatives to better serve young people and help them find their vocation in life. However, the synod is quickly immersed in a debate on issues of particular interest to young people in many parts of the world: sexual abuse scandals committed by the clergy, respect for homosexuals and women's rights.

The theme of women was particularly thorny, as only seven nuns were invited to the synod with 267 cardinals, bishops and priests. None of them had the right to vote on the final document.

A request outside the synod to require that allow mothers to vote, collected some 9,000 signaturesbut in any case the reference to gender disparity in future synods mentioned in the draft was deleted from the final document.

However, the remaining content was energetic and included one of the few direct recommendations of the 60-page document.

"The synod recommends that everyone be sensitized to the urgency of an inevitable changeThis was said in the text, the text called for a greater presence of women in the ecclesiastical structure at all levels, even in positions of responsibility, at the same time that the exclusivity of the priesthood for men continues to be respected.

"It is a duty of justice that finds its inspiration in Jesus' relationship with the men and women of his time and in the importance of the role of certain female figures in the Bible, in the history of salvation and in the Church life ", This is stated in the document.

The doctrine of the Church reserves the priesthood to men, because all the apostles of Jesus were men. Women have often complained of holding a second-rate position in the Church. The first Latin American pope in history is committed to changing this situationbut he has done little and his advisory body lacks women.

Paragraphs that referred to the role of women in the church were among the most controversial in Saturday's final vote. However, the full text was approved and only the paragraph that refers to homosexuality and "sexual inclinations"He has received enough votes against him to put his approval in jeopardy. Finally, it was approved with 178 votes in favor and 65 against, with 12 additional votes in favor.

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