CEESP recommends strengthening the internal market against US protectionist measures


The Center for Economic Studies of the Private Sector (CEESP) emphasized the need to stimulate the internal market to cope with international policies, particularly the protectionist measures of the United States.

He pointed out that while the external market has regained strength as a driving factor of the economy, increasing the possibility that it may come back to moderate his forces with the anxiety aroused. by the trade policy that continues to implement the United States.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and tariffs imposed, as a protective measure, may affect Mexico's export dynamics, as just over 80% of Overseas sales are routed to the US economy. It is necessary to strengthen the internal market to lay the foundation for solid and sustainable growth, said the Coordinating Council. He stressed that boosting productive investment helps to recover purchasing power, create enough jobs for the country and improve the quality of welfare, which will translate by greater household consumption capacity.

He explains that the deterioration in purchasing power due to rising inflation, coupled with the higher cost of financing, is reflected in the evolution of indicators such as retail sales and the service sector.

There is a downward trend from 2017 and, although there has been a slight improvement in recent months, the rate of growth of consumer prices will take longer than expected , he said.

more caution among consumers, as is already the case in the sale of cars that report 12 consecutive months with negative variations.

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