Celebrities are going out to vote


Through the social networks, several artists publish images where they show that they exercised their right to vote

Like thousands of celebrities, several citizens went out to vote on polling day yesterday.

The actors, singers and drivers posted on their social networks photos showing that they crossed out the ballots for the politicians they judged the best according to their judgment.

Actor Diego Luna commented that he voted quickly and without any problem.

"The vote took me a few minutes Thanks to all the citizens who work in the box, Rejoice, vote everyone!

His friend, Gael García Bernal, was accompanied by his mother, actress Patricia Bernal.

"As it's nice to go out and vote, especially with my mother. #VotoLibre".

Aleks Syntek, who recently fell in controversy over his hatred of reggaeton and a video he recorded on Koreans, said he had voted and asked the community to do it.


"Hello, have you ever voted? Exercise your right and be a responsible citizen," said the performer on Twitter.

Geraldine Bazán wrote on Instagram that she voted without problems in the box that corresponded to her.


"To fill and exercise our right, In my box all very calm, without lines and citizen participation is in the family, the new generations will surely have digital voting processes. The important thing is that they have a conscience from an early age. Go vote! "

For its part, the animator Ventaneando, Mónica Castaña, said on his Instagram that:" The important thing is to participate! # YaVoté and I am proud to exercise my right and fulfill my obligation. #SALYVOTA Today – Yesterday we decided which Mexico we want.

On the other hand, Maya Zapata expressed that she voted with the goal that Mexico has a better future.


"I voted in wishing it was the best for Mexico but knowing that the real change is in me and in each of us!

Lucía Méndez, Manuel Mijares, Chapoy Pati, Marimar and Zuria Vega also uploaded photos in which they see themselves with ink on thumbs confirming that they had already voted.


 Friends go out to vote

Gael García Bernal went with his mother, actress Patricia Bernal. (SPECIAL)

Celebrities are coming out to vote

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– MD

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