César Duarte is protected against a warrant for arrest


Chihuahua, Chihuahua.- A federal judge granted an amparo to the former governor of Chihuahua, Caesar Duarte Jáquez against the warrant of arrest issued against him by a state control judge, for the crime of embezzlement for 275 million pesos.

According to the information of El Financiero, the sentence has been handed down since July 11, the judge, tenth district of the State of Mexico, Rene Ramos Pere, has held that the warrant of arrest against the former governor César Duarte was illegal

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He argues that the judge of Chihuahua's control does not have the necessary powers to issue the arrest warrant against the former president, related to the criminal case 780/2017

"Granting protection because the warrant of arrest was issued by an incompetent authority because to the fact that being the taxpayer of the crime of misappropriation of funds of the Federation, knowledge of the case falls within the jurisdiction of a federal judge, "states the judgment filed in the case 1851/2017

"Granting protection under the fact that the arrest warrant issued by an incompetent authority. "

He recalled that the judge of control has a regular constitutional function of the activities of the public prosecutor, how to qualify the legality of the arrests authorize the intervention of communications or preventive prisons, but not issue arrest warrants, and much less in federal cases.

This is one of the federal and local arrest warrants that have been issued against Duarte Jáquez, currently a fugitive of justice.

According to official documents there are 15 arrest warrants against the exmandatario, 14 for common law crimes such as embezzlement, l & # 39; 39, abusive exercise of the public service, the use of the resources of the procedure ia illegal, among others

Another action initiated by the Attorney General of the Republic, but for electoral crimes. fbAsyncInit = function () {
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