César Hinostroza was captured in Spain: all the information about it | Madrid | Interpol | Martín Vizcarra | Video | Politics


The president of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra, confirmed Friday that the former supreme judge César Hinostroza was captured in Spain.

The President stressed that the information had been provided by Interpol-Madrid to Interpol-Lima. "With the arrest warrant yesterday, we handled the red alert […] Today in the early morning was captured, the details will be in the crowd, but it was between 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning. He's in a police station, "he said.

Vizcarra announced that a procedure would be initiated against the asylum requested by Hinostroza and that his immediate deportation would also be sought. Spain. The other way, he added, is extradition.

"With all the freshness of the world, he asks for asylum, it does not correspond, there is no persecution, it is a strictly judicial problem, the fight against corruption, "Vizcarra added to Peru television.

Vizcarra explained that César Hinostroza is in Madrid and it is located in Navalafuente, according to the last part of the Interpol published at 10:25. Spain.

During a dialogue with the RPP Noticias, he indicated that he had contacted the Spanish Prime Minister by phone, Pedro Sánchez, with whom he spoke at length to discuss the question of the former supreme judge.

"I was able to communicate yesterday at 4:35 pm with the president of Spain and I asked for your support. He said, "Let your people know that the government will do everything possible to return to Peru", he said.

"We can not let our guard down and we have a lot to do, we have opportunities for development, but we have to fight against corruption and that is the mission of this government," he said.

The chronology of Cesar Hinostroza: from the first denunciation to his escape

The former judge of the Supreme Court, César Hinostroza, is in Madrid, Spain, where he applied for political asylum. He was linked to the criminal organization "Los Cuellos Blancos del Puerto", for which he was the subject of a preliminary investigation by the prosecution. Check out the main stages of the case of the sacked judge, captured this Friday in Madrid.

Political reactions after the capture of Cesar Hinostroza

President Martín Vizcarra confirmed on Friday the capture in Spain of the former supreme judge César Hinostroza, a country where he arrived in search of political asylum after fleeing an imminent lawsuit against him for having been at the head of the criminal organization "Los Cuellos Blancos del Puerto". These were the reactions of the Peruvian politicians.

The asylum application of César Hinostroza in Spain could be solved in a month

The appeal lodged the day before by the dismissed judge César Hinostroza Before Spain can be resolved in about a month by the authorities of this country, according to informed sources of this newspaper of the Peruvian government.

This is how the international press reports on the capture of César Hinostroza

The judge dismissed from the Supreme Court César Hinostroza, who escaped from Peru after being accused of running a suspected corruption network in the judiciary, was arrested Friday Madridconfirmed the President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra. The arrest of the former supreme judge in Spain has been reported by various media.

Prime Minister Cesar Villanueva notes that there was a "misunderstanding" in the information on César Hinostroza

The president of the Council of Ministers, César Villanueva, spoke about what he said yesterday before the plenary session of Congress about the date on which the government was aware of the illegal exit of the supreme judge dismissed. César Hinostroza, who was captured today in Madrid, Spain. See more information

Lawyer of César Hinostroza: "The political asylum is asked when we know we are victims of political persecution"

The lawyer of the former supreme judge captured César HinostrozaWilliam Paco Castillo said this morning that his client had asked for political asylum in Spain because "he knows he is a victim of political persecution".

A Spanish judge will decide the situation of Cesar Hinostroza

After being captured, the former supreme judge César Hinostroza He was transferred to the National Court of Justice Spain, in Madrid, the highest judicial body in the country dealing with extraditions or expulsions of foreigners with problems of residence.

This is how Interpol informed about the detention of César Hinostroza in Spain

The international police (Interpol) reported in this document on the extradition capture of the former supreme judge César Hinostroza, who was arrested at Spain.

Why crimes will be opened preparatory investigation to César Hinostroza?

Supreme Prosecutor Pablo Sanchez will formalize in the coming hours the preparatory investigation with the supreme judge of the detainee, César Hinostroza and former members of the National Council of the Judiciary (CNM), Guido Aguila, Iván Noguera, Julio Gutiérrez and Orlando Velásquez. These crimes are the crimes attributed to him.

The prosecutor will request the preventive detention of Cesar Hinostroza and expects his expulsion from Spain

The former prosecutor of the Nation, Pablo Sanchez, said today that the Office of the Supreme Prosecutor would formalize the request for security detention against the Supreme Judge dismissed. César Hinostroza, who was arrested today in Spain.

PROFILE: César Hinostroza, from the supreme judge to the fugitive and now captured

César Hinostroza (Jauja, Peru, 1956) is the exclusive protagonist of the latest corruption scandal in Peru, a crisis aggravated by his escape to Spain when he was the subject of an investigation for his role as supreme judge and presumed leader of a criminal organization that sold favors to politicians and criminals. Read the full profile here.

The most controversial sentences in the audios featuring César Hinostroza

The former supreme judge César Hinostrozawho was captured in Spain, participated in audios that began to appear more than 3 months ago and triggered a crisis in the system of administration of justice. These are the most controversial phrases in the audios in which he plays.

Questions against the former judge César Hinostroza

About the former supreme judge César Hinostroza They weigh various issues because of their participation in audios that account for allegedly bad maneujos in the Peruvian justice system. Know them all in this note.

President Martín Vizcarra states that Prime Minister Cesar Villanueva had "escaped" the escape of Cesar Hinostroza

The president of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra, said what was mentioned yesterday at the plenary session of the Congress by Prime Minister Cesar Villanueva, who assured that the government had become aware of the leak César Hinostroza the same October 7, when that happened. The president said Villanueva had a "slip" to confuse October 7 with October 17. All statements here.

President Martín Vizcarra explained the three ways for the return of César Hinostroza to Peru

The President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra, explained the three ways in which the government must obtain the former supreme judge César Hinostroza respond to Peruvian justice after his arrest by Interpol Spain.

Prosecutor sends César Hinostroza's case to the Supreme Court

The prosecution will send this Friday the constitutional case file of the former judge César Hinostroza Pariachi to the Supreme Court, after his arrest was confirmed Madrid (Spain), according to his official Twitter account.

César Hinostroza: it was the escape of the former supreme judge in Spain [VIDEO]

The National Superintendency of Migration broadcast yesterday afternoon the video of the escape of the former supreme judge César Hinostroza, who left Peru in the early hours of October 7 and was captured Friday morning, confirmed the President Martín Vizcarra.

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