Chair and Awards Celebrate 100 Years of Alí Chumacero


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Three books: Páramo de sueños, Exiled Images and Words to Rest, as well as his vocation as publisher and reader and his desire to promote young poets make Alí Chumacero live. In the centenary of his birth, which is celebrated today, the poet who died in 2010 will be remembered with poetic activities; the approval of his memory with President Alí Chumacero and the Hispano-American Poetry Prize Alí Chumacero, projects promoted by the Autonomous University of Nayarit.

Ali Chumacero was an enemy of statues, mausoleums and all that involved a useless and expensive expense. "Ali did not like the madness, he said," I am poor, but stingy, "was part of his being," says Alma Vidal, who organized the centennial commemoration of the poet, which includes a celebration of poetry the streets, squares and gardens of Acaponeta, Nayarit, land of the publisher and essayist

Faithful to the philosophy of the author who devotes himself to literature with only three poems, Alma Vidal has delineated the commemorative program organized by the Government of Nayarit and the Municipality of Acaponeta with the Federal Ministry of Culture, which aims to bring Chumacero's poetry to the general public and to professionalize young poets.

"We spoke with the Rector of the Autonomous University of Nayarit, José Ignacio Peña González, we introduced President Alí Chumacero and he gladly accepted it. purpose of the pulpit, which is not a common chair, where you go to a conference to listen to a first-level intellectual, says Alma Vidal

President Alí Chumacero was announced in May, at the last cultural festival of Gran Nayar, and will be presented to the public.Of formally presented to the General Council of the University, as well as the Hispanic American Poetry Prize Alí Chumacero, which is in the design phase of the call

"Ali did not like very much the spectacular things, the expensive expenses; for him, it was very clear that first of all an exercise had to be developed for young people who write, to look for ways to professionalize them, to improve their conditions and their access to schools. In an interview, the professor of literary and literary creation at the Autonomous University of Nayarit assures that the idea of ​​this tribute included activities in Guadalajara and Tepic; and that today, they will have their most important poetic day in Acaponeta, where members of the Nayarit Congress traveled to make a solemn session in honor of Ali Chumacero.

Alma Vidal seeks to keep the spirit of Alí alive, to endure what interested him; he wants young people to see poetry as Ali always did, "without solemnity and without sacralisms, he has always said that poetry is a job like any other.The trade of the carpenter, the plumber, the blacksmith is as precious as the poet's, we could not live one without the other. "

Its powerful root. Ali Chumacero, who along with Amado Nervo, are the two great poets of Nayarit, played Acaponeta

After last Saturday, a group of poets celebrated Ali in the José Luis Martínez Bookstore. Guadalajara of the Fondo de Cultura Económica, and after Sunday 12 poets participated with their poetry in Tepic in the evening "Poetic garden of the loving root", they are all in Acaponeta today.

This morning will be the solemn session of the State Congress in the theater José Francisco Ealy Ortiz. In the afternoon, the poetic part will begin in the central square of the municipality, which will end with poetic tribute in the Barrio de la Ch, this mythical place where Ali Chumacero was born on July 9, 1918 and where is inscribed a plaque: I was born this house. Here in the Barrio de la CH. "

Under the title" Barrio de la Ch: where time begins to be root ", whose line is drawn from an Ali poem, will be a party where there will be reading tables and will open a dialogue with the people of the neighborhood.

"We are dining on the square, under the stars, as life should be," says Vidal, who delineated this tribute with the spirit of the poet who won the National Prize for Linguistics and Literature, 1987.

"It is with simplicity, with the desire to live with the people, open paths for young people and seek to achieve the great dream of Ali, the professionalisation of these vocations, "he says

.This commemoration, those who have not read Alí Chumacero, will read and recognize him in his poetry because Apaponeta is very much alive in his poetry and was central in his life until the end, Ali Chumacero was a universal poet.

the work is universal, he is detached of the earth and touches or after the orbits; he has always tried to put geographical references, you have read his concrete work and you will not read, as in Paz, references to Mexico City, Barrio de Mixcoac or India; Ali no, Ali does not touch the earth because it envelops the whole earth. He was the world; he believed that the poet's engagement is greater than the country's geography, "says Alma Vidal.

His poetry grew out of sorrow," in that we all commune. He wrote of pain and devastation, "adds Vidal, who is happy to be able to bring together many friends and admirers of Ali, debtors, as he has greatly encouraged them. [19659002] Around the figure of the author of the famous "Poem" "Luis Vicente de Aguinaga, Luis Armenta Malpica, Gustavo Íñiguez, Raúl Bañuelos, Francoise Roy, Gerardo Villanueva.They will be in the mythical Barrio de la Ch. [19659002] "The village learned that Ali was full of charm. Perhaps, in the twinkling of copechis or in the dark flight of chinacates, he found the mystery, and the contained anxiety was enveloped in the charm of language; who, with his word-craft, wove the signs that enunciate the perpetual, the ineffable, the poetry. It is so that life is forged, and it is necessary to live intensely to be able to write at a deep level. Before writing, live! You will have plenty of time to lose it in your fantasies, "dictated Acaponeta's favorite son

" Living as he lived, it's impossible. With Ali Chumacero, he was a sensitive, intelligent and intelligent generation of Mexican writers. Ch was also gone; Yes, dear acaponetenses, nayaritas, Mexicans: Ch was the one who took the shit, "writes Alma Vidal.

A Alí Chumacero, his friend, Dr. Elías Luis Chan, remembers him with joy, who says that Was very kind going to have a coffee with Ali. "He was not talking about literature, we were talking about people, mengano and perengano. Then he liked going for a walk in the pantheon or going for a nanche tour in Acaponeta square. "

Olga Sáizar, director of Casa de Cultura Ali Chumacero, also celebrates this tribute to the one that people will know about Ali Chumacero, a living being through his poetry." We will not let him rest, no words at rest, they will be words without rest, "concludes Alma Vidal. [ad_2]
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