Chatbot to provide the best experience for moviegoers


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According to Gartner data, in 2020 more than 85% of customer service centers will be operated by robots, as they offer certain advantages over mobile applications, such as providing an immediate solution, no registration whatsoever. is required or income, and are able to learn new user behaviors to give more personalized answers. As a result, several industries have started to implement robots to provide a better experience for their customers.

Cinepolis is one example, which currently implements a chatbot that responds to its customers in less than five seconds. This new communication channel was developed with the help of the company Gus Chat, which is dedicated to the development of intelligent chatbots with its own natural language processing engine in Spanish.

Thanks to the introduction of the chatbot, the channel has achieved a 60% reduction in the number of requests that have reached the operators. Today, its digital system has the ability to attend 91% of tickets, of which 55% are intended for questions on the first, billboard, schedules, pre-sale, movies, cinemas, seats and prizes. They even started performing the function of ordering, with the help of chatbot, drinks and food at VIP cinemas all over the country.

Alfonso Becerra, associate partner of Cinepolis' Customer Experience and Innovation, said: It is in our DNA to understand that a large part of our audience uses these types of interfaces and channels. ;interaction. We realized that for the teen segment, the text is important, the networks are important, and then you have to attend where they already feel comfortable. "

For his part, Jaime Navarro, CEO and co-founder of Gus Chat, commented:" The bot system has evolved a lot because now we also have the support of a marketing agency for the problems of copies and GIF. It's a much nicer stream for the user and that has made a drastic change. We started with a test in the cinemas of Buenavista and now it is open to all cinemas in the Mexican Republic. There are frequently asked questions, movie reviews and social features like giving a ticket via Messenger. "

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