Checo Pérez prepares to score more points in Germany GP


The Mexican Formula 1 trusts to make a good race at the eleventh stop of the championship.

Mexico (Notimex) –

With views of the fourth place of the World Formula 1 the pilot of Force India, Sergio "Checo" Pérez is preparing for the 11th date of the series in the German Grand Prix . "We find the performance with every race and I still think we can aim for fourth place in the championship," said the Mexican runner. The circuit of Hockenheimring will be another test in their aspirations to reach a better position at the end of the calendar, which they are in the middle.

"There is still a long way to go (11 races) and a lot to play," commented Czech who is aiming for the weekend race where he is looking to add points to cut distance in the Pilot Championships and con directors

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