Childhood in Mexico abandoned and exposed to violence and sexism: Bucio Mujica


Ricardo Bucio Mujica, executive secretary of the National System of Comprehensive Protection of Children and Adolescents (SIPINNA), warned that Mexican children were living in a situation not only of public policies but also of promoting sexism, violence and discrimination. The consumption

He regretted that there are no public resources for children and that, furthermore, "when it comes to reducing the promotion of violence, economic interests are affected, such as telecommunications, content regulation and the food industry. "Children are big business, some are illegal," he warned.

At a working meeting with the Committee on the Rights of Children and Adolescents of the Chamber of Deputies, the leader proposed to create an electronic registration at the time of birth of all children and not until they are entered in the register of civil status, as well as a single record of a health that avoids relying on a vaccination notebook on paper, because "in case of loss, the medical history of the child would be lost ".

He stressed the need for a system covering all children and not just one group. He called for the creation of a comprehensive law on early childhood, which would require the authorities to implement articulation mechanisms to take care of children from scratch. at five years old.

In addition, he stressed that aggrieved girls can complain directly, without depending on their guardians, and implement programs that discourage the normalization of violence in social networks, the Internet and the media, because " each week infants observe 3,000 700 violent scenes, from birth to adolescence. "

Ricardo Bucio proposed to create a general law on equality and non-discrimination, instead of a federal law, in order to grant more obligations to entities and to provide for mechanisms protection for disabled children and in other cases.

In the same way, he proposed to elaborate a general law of the national system of social protection, which gives a perspective and helps the families to maintain the attentions required by the old people, the disabled people, the sick people and the children in their early childhood.

He asked the Legislative Assembly to amend the general law on the inclusion and development of people with disabilities, as it does not work for children in this condition; also, that the Federal Labor Law be reformed, in order to recognize that employment is formal from the age of 16 and that they can start to contribute to social security, since they do not currently do not have this right.

In turn, Commission Chair Rosalba Valencia Cruz (Morena) said that minors should have access to a dignified life, regardless of their economic and religious status, to promote the allocation of more important resources public policies. Please, your rights.

Morenista legislator Graciela Sánchez Ortiz, asked the owner of SIPINNA to inform about the policies applicable to the population aged 0 to 17 years in the rural areas, where the lack of services it night, which aggravates the poverty.

For her part, MP Susana Cano ensured that all children's rights were violated, as they suffer discrimination, because the international treaties signed by Mexico "are a lie".

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