Children and adolescents, the aims of the crime: CNDH


CITY OF MEXICO (E Universal) .- Children and adolescents are attracted to falling in love with organized crime to commit crimes and which is included in the law as a form of human trafficking, said María Yuriria Álvarez Madrid, Director General of the Anti-Trafficking Program of the National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH)

In an interview on the occasion of the World Day against Trafficking, Álvarez Madrid pointed out that this crime has a greater visibility than a few years ago. Other modalities are mentioned

The challenge, he said, is that there is an accurate diagnosis of who the victims are, because the information has not been approved.

"We told the authorities: this theme". To date, we have made three recommendations. Much progress has also been made to make other forms of trafficking visible, for example our National Campaign for the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons, we have talked about children and adolescents who are captured. organized criminal networks to commit crimes. "

Álvarez Madrid pointed out that" a major challenge is to have diagnoses in the country of who the victims are, from where they come, because human trafficking in the center of the country is not the same as north or south. "We do not know what the situation is because, to date, there is still no precise data, especially on the number of victims."

Regarding minors victims of organized crime, he explains that there are no clear figures. and what we know is the information published by the media

. "The National Human Rights Commission has released a report that talks about children and adolescents who are used to commit crimes.The problem is that the law sees it as a form of human trafficking. is something that should be revised, that is, how the Mexican state will start working on this issue, because that is a fact, "he explained.

In this situation, young people are one of the biggest risk areas because now traffickers are looking for their targets on the internet, where they use tactics such as falling in love to capture them.

"We detect the forms of contact that adults make with young people, especially the question of" clinging "What do they do to ask for photographs? What we are trying to do, c & # 39; is to tell them [a los jóvenes] that networks [sociales] are something positive in themselves, but that they can be used by people who do not have good intentions.We have a project with a civil society organization, which can be found in, which is especially for children, what we work a lot is the theme of romantic love, recruitment through social networks, but through in love, "he said.

That is why it is necessary to generate information about the problem, he said, all about the different modalities, how the victims are captured and who they are. The chief of the anti-trafficking program of the CNDH recalled that Mexico is a country of origin, transit and destination of victims, most of them women.

The main causes of human trafficking are structural. like discrimination, poverty, corruption, impunity and lack of access to opportunities, it is therefore necessary to fight these problems to eradicate crime.

Álvarez Madrid mentioned that traffickers are looking for people who are in a situation of vulnerability, that is, they go to places where it is easier to find victims, so that everyone can be in view

"The trafficker seeks spaces that allow him to do his job better., impunity, tolerance, are the best". If communities are created alert and without discrimination, they will not go there.

"That is why it is important that authorities and civil society work to reduce opportunities for criminals to detect and approach potential victims."

He pointed out that the CNDH has a position aimed at the three Ps, which are prevention, law enforcement and the protection of victims.

Traffickers "have a great possibility, because there are a lot of people vulnerable goods are possible, and since they are disposable and the violence is so excessive, you do not know if it is gone, if that is the case." is a feminicide, if it is people, it starts to mix with other crimes, "he warned.- Mariluz Roldán

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