Children would be trapped for months in the cave if they do not learn to dive


Chiang Rai.- The disappearance of 12 children and his football coach from an underground cave complex in in Thailand seems to have ended. Yesterday, after nine days of research, the emergency services found everyone alive.

"The 12 children and their trainer have been found, everyone is safe," confirmed the regional governor, Narongsak Osottanakorn after a gigantic search operation in the caves of Tham Luang in the northern province of Chiang Rai

Osottanakorn stated that the children and their instructor, aged 25, were found by the Special Naval Forces and that now the challenge "will be to extract the group safely. "

" For now we have found The next mission is to get them out of the cave and send them home, "said the official to the press

However, this mission is not easy to predict.Last night, it was reported that children must learn to dive to leave, or that they will remain in the cave for several months, given the complexity of the rescue. Meanwhile, water in the cave will continue to be drained, while doctors are sent to check the health of children.

"If the doctors say that their physical condition is strong enough to move them, they will remove them.We will take care of them until they can go back to school. "

" We will bring them food, but we are not sure that they can eat, since they have not eaten for a long time.We will also take a doctor who knows how to dive "he says.

The 12 children, members of the football team Moo Pa (Jabalí) and his assistant coach, Ekkapol Janthawong June 23 died at the An excursion to the cave complex, located a few thousand kilometers from north of Bangkok near the border with Myanmar. The place extends for several kilometers and has wide rooms and narrow corridors.

The head coach of the club, Nopparat Kantawong, is the one who reported the disappearance of the group

The team was found by naval elements of Thailand, who posted on their Facebook page a video of the moment when a conversation is heard between the rescuers and the young people, who were seen sitting in their red T-shirts [19659002] "How many are there?", You hear one of the divers

"Thirteen", replies one.

"Fantastic", replies the diver.

The man tries to give them courage. "There are a lot of people on the way" to help them, he says. "They were here 10 days, they are very strong."

They also reported that "the doctors have joined the divers to meet the boys in the cave.We carry with us energy gel (a kind of energy drink) and survival kits.Someone will stay with them for a moment until the arrival of the rescue mission. "

Divers went deeper into the cave yesterday, where the water levels are slowly but steadily reduced every hour thanks to continuous pumping. Shortly before the announcement of the discovery, the governor had reported the problem of the high level of water that in some parts of the cave reached the eye level of an adult. "The water is the enemy," he said. Yesterday, the level of water had even increased.

Young people entered the cave after a training session. Authorities believe that they were surprised by a flood in the cavern, about 10 kilometers long, and that they had to sink deep to save themselves.

They had not been seen since, but their bicycles were found near the cave. The discovery of fingerprints and footprints fueled the hope that they would stay alive in a deeper room, but there were no more signs.

Parents waited for news for days at the entrance to the cave. The governor had said that the group could survive for up to 30 days, so they could manage their energy.

Over the weekend, rescue teams reported small advances, such as arriving at a fork in which the main tunnel is split in two.

Dozens of divers, including international troops, were mobilized for more than a week to find the children.

Specialists from Australia, the United Kingdom, Japan and China as well as about thirty American soldiers in the remote mountainous region to support Thai rescue teams.

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