Chile on alert for explosions and earthquakes in Chillán volcano [Internacional] – 07/15/2018


Chile.- A series of explosions and earthquakes in the Nevados volcano of Chillán in southern Chile, which took place over the past three days, worries local authorities of 39, a possible increase in their activity, Sunday, the National Office of Emergency (Onemi).

Nevados del Chillán, a volcanic complex located in the Biobío region, 420 km south of Santiago, has maintained constant activity since December 2015, but since Friday, there have been three explosions which, in turn, caused earthquakes between 3.7 and 3.8 degrees of magnitude, which alerted the authorities.

"The occurrence of these explosions implies a high energy in their development and suggest that the volcanic system could increase its activity level according to the scenarios shown in reports of volcanic activity (RAV ) published daily, "said a report from Onemi.

The explosion recorded this Sunday at 03:24 local (0724 GMT), the surveillance cameras placed around the volcano have observed "an incandescent column of about 340 meters high, abundant material particulate and a visual record of deposits in the north-northeast slope "Authorities of the region and Onemi held a meeting Saturday to analyze the situation of the volcano, and they decided to keep the alert Yellow ordered weeks ago. This involves the prohibition of approaching within a radius of 3 km around Chillán, and having prepared emergency plans in areas of potential danger.

For its part, the National Service of Geology and Mines of Chile (Sernageomin) which has in charge of the surveillance of Chillán, maintain this volcano at an orange level of 3216 m since April 6, before the increase in activity that could lead to a major eruption.

Chile has about 90 potentially active volcanoes or they have had activity over the past 10,000 years. Forty-five of them are constantly monitored.

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