Chile: Victims of abuse sue ex-bishop for perjury


SANTIAGO DE CHILE (AP) – Victims publicly denounced sexual abuse worse pedophile priest of the Catholic Church Chilena sued for perjury at the Archbishop Emeritus of Santiago and close collaborator of Pope Francisco, Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz.

The Associated Press adhered to the lawsuit filed Thursday, in which the plaintiffs accuse Errázuriz to be "author of the false testimony, in degree of consumption, planned and sanctioned" in the Penal Code, and against others who might be guilty as perpetrators, accomplices or accomplices of the same crime.

Errázuriz integrates the G9, a group of cardinals who theoretically advise Francisco in the reform which tries, with great resistance, to introduce into the Roman curia all the governing bodies of the Holy See and the Catholic Church.

The criminal complaint is headed by the lawyer Juan Pablo Hermosilla representing the journalist Juan Carlos Cruz, the surgeon James Hamilton and the philosopher José Andrés Murillo.

Clearly exhausted, the three wrote in their Twitter account that "enough, that's enough". All have fought since the beginning of the year 2000 before various instances of the Catholic Church to denounce the sexual abuse committed on Karadima. It was only in 2010 that the Vatican listened to them and condemned the priest to a life of penance and prayer.

The lawsuit was brought to court one day after a Court of Appeals Court of Appeals refused to include a letter of appeal in appeal proceedings. Errázuriz from 2009 sent by him to the nuncio Giuseppe Pinto in which he recognizes that he has not asked to question Karadima, accused of pedophilia for the victims, "out of respect" for the powerful priest of the time and that after consultation with a bishop trained by Karadima closed the case.

The court said on Wednesday that the letter was exhausted and summoned the victims and the archdiocese of Santiago to a conciliation hearing on November 20. The persons concerned rejected the negotiation and asked the Court of Appeal to rule. If they lose in this case, they will appeal to the Supreme Court, said Cruz to the AP.

They insist that they will not negotiate because the most important thing for them is that the archdiocese assumes its responsibility.

In this note:

  • Chile
  • Sexual abuse
  • victims of abuse
  • pedophile priest
  • Catholic Church

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