CHILE / Workers at the largest copper mine could go on strike


A new strike is planned in the largest copper mine in the world, located north of Chile . The mine " Escondida " could paralyze its activities after the leaders of the main union rejected the proposal made by the firm BHP . According to Carlos Allende " the strike is imminent", since the miners [VIDEO] and the company could not reach an agreement. This was announced last Saturday by one of the spokespersons of the union leadership. This copper deposit produces about 5% of the metal produced in the world.


Last Saturday, after nearly six weeks of dialogue and negotiations between the workers and the company of Anglo-Australian origin BHP the 2,500 or so most affiliated members important union of the mine began the formal voting process to determine whether or not the most recent proposal made by the company.

The act will culminate on August 1

If the rejection of the offer is confirmed, the next step will be to initiate a mediation with the intervention of the Directorate of Labor [19659007] and if the lack persists between the parties, the union could reconvene a strike . In 2017, workers paralyzed the company for 44 days in a strike situation that caused significant losses to the company and the country.

Opinions of both parties

Patricio Vilaplana Vice President of Corporate Affairs of Escondida noted that great efforts have been made by the company, and that They trust that the workers will appreciate it. The executive also said that the company does not want to strike [VIDEO] and that it is sure that the vast majority of workers do not want to cripple activities either .

For its part, Allende responded that in the offer presented by the company there is an intention to harm and injure the workers. He pointed out that "the offer is bad " and that for this reason he is rejected by the union.

It is known in advance that the union leaders rejected the proposal and, workers of previous assemblies agreed to assume this same position before the offer of the employers. One of the union spokespersons said that they had expressed their intention to reject it.

The union's claim includes a 5% salary increase and a Termination of Conflict premium equal to 4% of the dividends received by shareholders last year, which represents approximately 34,000 $ per worker. For its part, the company's proposal stipulates an increase of 13.5 million Chilean pesos to 15 million, which represents about 23,000 dollars per worker as part of the bargaining bonus.

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