China accuses the United States of "commercial intimidation" and announces countermeasures


  China accuses the United States of "

EU announced this week new tariffs against imported Chinese goods worth $ 200 billion.

China reacted today with firmness to US announcement of new tariffs against Chinese imported products , accusing Washington of "commercial harassment" and announcing countermeasures although for the moment without giving details.

The announcement of United States of which to apply customs duties to products imported from China value of 200 billion of dollars has a range very extended superior to measures to the products by 34 billion of last week and deepening the Commercial War Between the Two Economic Powers

The performance of the United States is typical commercial intimidation, "said a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, Hua Chunying, added when from a press conference that Washington had lost common sense and was very dangerous.

Earlier, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce issued a statement in which it found "totally unacceptable" the measure of the Donald Trump government and announced that Beijing will take the necessary countermeasures, the details of which are not yet known.

The statement said that China will file a new complaint with the World Trade Organization (WTO) to denounce It's called "unilateral behavior" of the United States.

At the same time, he called on the international community to work together "to defend free trade and the multilateral trading system and jointly reject the US trade hegemony."

The announcement of Washington, Tuesday night in the United States, occurred a few days after last Friday The first stages of the trade war between the two major economic powers took place.

First, the United States approved a series of duties on imported Chinese goods worth $ 34 billion.

Beijing has not yet detailed the measures to which it will respond, and could be new tariffs, but also the so-called "non-tariff measures", which can be very broad and which many times, they are only not officially announced.

In recent weeks, some US products have been subject to additional border controls for suspected health problems.

In Beijing, these weeks are recalled to the activities of South Korean companies. China has become very difficult for several months of last year after the launch of the Seoul government. Thus, Chinese tourists travel to South Korea dropped, as did the country's brand car sales, while the supermarket chain Lotte has undergone special inspections and other problems. administrative

Something similar happened in 2012 with Japanese companies operating in China during a diplomatic dispute with Japan over the Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands, controlled by Tokyo but claimed by Beijing [19659016]. China is freezing permits or licenses granted to US companies operating in this market or stopping the delivery of products already ordered, such as Boeing passenger aircraft.

For example, companies like General Motors or Apple sell more in China than in the United States.

The foreign spokesman recalled that two-thirds of China's technology exports are products of the company Foreign enterprises manufactured in this country, so that "the trade war will harm the interests of both countries . "

The United States shot itself in the foot, "insisted Hua Chunying.

The announcement of the United States it also created a new wave of uncertainty in the financial markets Asian, with widespread declines in the Tokyo, Hong Kong, Seoul and Shenzhen stock markets, although they were the strongest in the morning and partially recovered.

Hong Kong reference, Hang Seng , lost 8.85% in the last month.


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