China and Japan seal historic thaw




Saturday, October 27, 2018, 4:05
14 of 15

Influence The uncertainty surrounding US foreign policy under Donald Trump finally convinced them to leave their differences, at least sideways.


China and Japan sealed the thaw in their relations this Friday. At a joint press conference at Beijing's Grand Peoples' Palace, the prime ministers of both countries, Li Keqiang and Shinzo Abe, highlighted the arrival of a "historic turning point" in which Beijing and Tokyo are committed to "eliminating friction" and exploring areas of cooperation.

On the second day of the first visit of a Japanese government head to the Chinese capital in seven years, the two leaders signed cooperation agreements and cooperation agreements, as well as their companies, about 500 trade agreements.

Li had offered a welcome ceremony to Abe at the Great Hall of the People, the gigantic building for foreign leaders and the most pompous political meetings, in the middle of Tiananmen Square, before meeting him for the second time in two days. .

The two countries "agreed not to threaten the other and not to attack each other," said the Chinese premier. "We both believe that we want to maintain a stable relationship between China and Japan in the long term, which will also benefit the stability of the region," he added.

For his part, Abe said: "We have common goals and responsibilities for stability in the region." The Prime Minister met hours later Chinese President Xi Jinping, which he invited to an official visit to Japan next year, when this country will host the annual G-20 summit.

Among the agreements signed by the two heads of government, is the revival of monetary exchanges between the two countries, suspended since 2012 when relations were frozen after the "nationalization" by Japan of the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu, in Mandarin), that both are disputed in the East China Sea. At present, its central banks will exchange currencies worth 200 billion yuan (about 25,280 million euros).

They also agreed to establish a framework for cooperation to manage potential maritime accidents and to engage in discussions on innovation and intellectual property.

The cordiality – at least in front of the gallery – presented by both parties implied a profound change from the tensions that dominated the relationship since 2012. In the conflict around the islands, which generated violent demonstrations of hundreds of people in front of them. Embassy Japan, in addition to historical disagreements, legacy of the Japanese occupation of China and World War II.

But the two countries are neighbors and important trading partners, whose economic relations are moving around 265 000 million euros a year. And if they had already started a nascent thaw in the last two years, the uncertainty surrounding US foreign policy under Donald Trump convinced them to leave their differences, if not behind, at least yes.

If the trade war between China and the United States could have serious consequences for its economy, which shows signs of weakness, the Japanese government of Abe, America's best ally in Asia, seeks to develop a more independent foreign policy and expand its options before the possibility of Washington reducing or withdrawing support for its current partners.

China wants Japan to join its flagship initiative, the network of infrastructure and connections around the world, known as the New Silk Road. Tokyo has been reluctant to support this plan, although willing to collaborate on specific projects, particularly in Southeast Asia.



Millions of yuan will be traded in foreign currency.

Influence The uncertainty surrounding US foreign policy under Donald Trump finally convinced them to leave their differences, at least sideways.


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