China publishes EU travel alert for shootings and robberies


The Chinese Embassy in Washington issued a security alert for Chinese citizens traveling to the United States, the latest warning of this type amid growing trade tensions between the two powers.

The Embassy warned Chinese tourists who were aware of the problems, including the high cost of medical expenses, the threat of possible shootings and burglaries, records and seizures by customs officers, scams in the field of telecommunications and natural disasters

"Public security in the United States is not good.The cases of shootings, burglaries and robberies are common," said the embassy in an alert posted on its website Thursday.

"Those traveling to the United States must stay tuned to their environment and suspect individuals alone at night."

With the exception of the additional warning on the risk of natural disasters, the warning was similar to the one that the embassy issued in January. There is strong tension between the two countries due to the threat of tariffs

Read more: China warns it will take action if Trump imposes new tariffs [19659002] President of the United States, Donald Trump, imposes $ 34 billion in duties on additional products from China on Friday, based on allegedly unfair trade practices on the part of China, and threaten successive waves of duties up to $ 450 billion on imports China

China has promised to respond in this way with its own rights to US agricultural products and other goods and adopt more measures " qualitative "if Trump intensified the conflict.

the alert was based on political motives, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the summer was a travel season for Chinese visiting the United States and that Chinese embassies have Obligation to warn citizens of possible risks.

"This type of recall of the Chinese Embassy in the corresponding country, I consider that it is a matter that is completely within the limits of our duty," said the ministry spokesman during of a press conference

Read more: Trump attacks China for trade deficit

With the help of Reuters

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