China suggests Trump to abandon his iPhone and buy a Huawei, suspected of illegal espionage.


China suggests Trump to settle in Huawei

China suggests Trump to settle in Huawei

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has suggested to the Trump government to worry about the iPhone's foreign interception by the US president: better than using a Huawei phone. Or, simply, it completely cut off the links with the outside world.

The answer came after the publication of an article in the New York Times that Chinese and Russian spies often secretly listened to the president. Donald Trump when he used his unsecured cell phone made by Apple to talk to old friends.

"Reading this article, I feel that today in the United States, there are really people who are doing everything they can to win the best Oscar screenplay," said the spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Hua Chunying, at a press conference.

These articles are "proof that the New York Times is making false news," he said, adding two suggestions apparently aimed at the Trump administration. "If you are really concerned about Apple phones being exploited, you can switch to Huawei"he said, referring to the largest telecom equipment manufacturer in China.

"If they're still not comfortable, then, to have a totally secure device, they can stop using any modern communication and cut off all links with the outside world."he added.

According to the newspaper, Trump's advisers repeatedly warned him that his calls on his mobile phone were not secure, but the president refused to abandon them.

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