Chinese robot defeats 15 doctors in the diagnosis of the tumor


An Artificial Intelligence System Chinese won 2-0 at a team of fifteen prestigious doctors of the country in a two-round competition in which they had to diagnose brain tumors and bruises at sick patients, in a competition held at the Tiantan Hospital in Beijing

The BioMind AI system, developed by the center for research on artificial intelligence for neurological disorders of this hospital and by a team University of Medicine University of Capital correct diagnosis (out of a total of 225 cases), against 66% obtained by the team of doctors.

With regard to the prediction of cerebral hematoma its accuracy was 83%, while physicians – from prestigious hospitals in the country – accounted for 63% of cases.

In both tests, the accuracy level of humans was "quite normal and better than the average accuracy obtained in ordinary hospitals," defended Gao Peiyi, head of the hospital's radiology department. of Tiantan, leader in neurology and neurosurgery

The robot was formed in the last ten years by storing tens of thousands of images of diseases related to the nervous system, which makes it capable to diagnose common neurological diseases such as meningioma and glioma with a precision rate of more than 90%.

Vice President of the Hospital, Wang Yongjun pointed out that the important thing is not who wins, because "the contest does not claim to face humans with technology, but to help doctors learn and improve through interaction." "skeptics."

One of the doctors participants who was eliminated in the second round, Lin Yi, said that she welcomes the use of [1 9459003] artificial intelligence, who does not consider a threat but "a friend".

The jury for its part said that artificial intelligence will never replace the professionals, but will work the same way as the use of a driver gives a GPS. EFE

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