Chiquis Rivera justifies load fans for photos


CITY OF MEXICO.- Now that data on what some celebrities accuse of being photographed with their followers, the firstborn of Jenny Rivera commented, through his Instagram account and in the statements on television, that she charged $ 40 to photograph with her fans after her concerts.

"I charge $ 40 after my shows," said the interpreter of "Entre Botellas."

And of course, as It always happens, the reactions did not wait and the singer was criticized, so she did not delay in explaining that the receipt did the charity, "we have helped a lot of people, we gave scholarships, we gave money ".

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According to information from Vanguardia, Excelsior and social networks, the singer clarified something that she charges less than Justin Bieber for the photo and also shows his affection for his fans.

"Not only that, I came out of the scene, we're tired, but I still smiled at them Nothing more is a 2-second picture of can not touch me. gives hugs, I kiss them, they scold me even here because they say, "Chiquis have been here for three hours to photograph us," concludes Chiquis Rivera

The beginning of the controversy

A man through video social networks in which he complains that the singer Ramón Ayala charges 20 dollars to be photographed with him, this fact sparked controversy among the disciples of "El Rey del Acordeón."

"Let's See Ramón Ayala is in charge 20 by photo mother agreement, we paid the entrance, "says the man.

After the controversy that caused this situation, some users criticized the artist while others applauded him and even he asked for it He deserved for his career.

After that, Ayala sent a statement through his Instagram account where he apologized to his fans and responded to critics.

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