Choice generates 104 million interactions on Facebook


CITY OF MEXICO (Notimex) –

The election of this Sunday generated 104 million interactions on Facebook, and within 90 days of the process, 1,300 million were recorded, out of about 64 millions of people.

In agreement with the social network, this July 1st the conversation reached its climax around 20:54, when with an average of 175,000 users per minute interacted with the content on the elections.

While the moments of greater interaction of candidates were given at 8:11 pm, when 9,000 people a minute were talking about the PRI candidate, José Antonio Meade; as well as at 8:30 pm where 700 people per minute spoke about the independent flag bearer, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, El Bronco .

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In a statement, he explained that at 8:40 pm, about 18,000 people per minute commented on the virtual winner, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and 13 000 people per minute commenting PAN candidate, Ricardo Anaya.

day of the election the conversation on the platform was seven times higher than the average per day of the previous 90 days, 104 million interactions against an average of 15 million, "detailed the social network.

From July 4 to July 1, 2018, more than 1,100 million interactions were made directly by users in Mexico, followed by more than 73.8 million from the United States [19659003] Most of the conversation took place in the Mexican capital, Cana, since more than 230 million interactions were generated in Mexico City, followed by the State of Mexico, Jalisco, Nuevo Leon and Veracruz

We recommend: Twitter transparent payments received from political campaigns [19659003] The age group that generated the highest percentage of interactions was 25 to 34 years, accounting for 29, Second, the 35 to 44 age group, with 23 , 10% and 18 to 24 years, 18.60%.

In addition, Facebook reported that the proportion of women speaking in elections was higher, 53% Men generated more interactions 23% on average per person, compared to 18% of women.

The most discussed topics were the economy, with more than 3.8 million; corruption, with more than 3.7 million euros; insecurity, with more than 2.5 million; health, with more than 2.1 million, and unemployment by overcoming two million interactions.

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