Cimon, the first robot with artificial intelligence that goes into space


Florida, United States – An obot with a real artificial intelligence is about to invade the space

The big round plastic robot head is part of the last installment of SpaceX's supply to the International Space Station

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The takeoff before Friday's dawn also includes two groups of genetically identical female mice , 20 mouse mice that will continue where the identical twin astronauts from NASA left a few years ago. The super-caffeinated coffee is also serving the crew eager to be java from the space station.

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As intriguing as can be the identical space brothers and the turbo space, c & # 39, is the German robot named Cimon, ] said Simon, after a medical genius in the "Future Captain" of science fiction, stealing the show.

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Do not worry because the AI ​​goes crazy on the space station. Cimon's human managers promise that the first IA space robot will behave. There are no mutinous approvals like HAL from the 1968 classic movie "2001: A Space Odyssey".

He is a friendly guy and he has that difficult button, said German Space Agency physicist Christian Karrasch, the project manager.

Like HAL, the Autonomous Cimon is an acronym: it stands for Crew Interactive Mobile Companion. Its artificial intelligence is courtesy of IBM

The German astronaut Alexander Gerst, arrived at the orbital laboratory a month ago, will present Cimon to the Spatial Life for three sessions of 30 years. ;one hour. Already familiar with Gerst's scientific experiments, the self-propelled Cim will float next to the astronaut and help, when asked, the investigation procedures.

Cimon printed Gerst's face and voice in his memory. Therefore, although the robot can help the other five astronauts at the station, it is most appropriate for Gerst, according to Karrasch.

To attract Cimon's attention, Gerst will only have to call his name. His common language will be English, the official language of the space station


In the present state of affairs, Cimon smiles when he feels that the conversation is optimistic and frowns when he is sad. A small screen in the sphere serves him as a face

In case of medical emergency, no one will want to wait 20 minutes for a call for help to reach the Earth, then another 20 minutes to ask Assisting the assigned team, the NASA Space Station Program Manager, Kirk Shireman. An AI partner could provide immediate assistance

Cimon is intended for additional intellectual capacity, so he has neither legs nor arms.

  • cimon robot artificial intelligence
  • cimon space
  • which makes cimon

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