Cinepolis wants to help you from Facebook Messenger [Negocios] – 27/07/2018


Mexico City .- Starting July 26, Cinepolis set up an artificial intelligence chatbot that will serve the clients of the chain of cinemas in various services.

Alfonso Becerra, deputy director of innovation and customer experience of Cinepolis, explained to El Financiero that the chatbot, prepared by the Mexican company Gus Chat, in addition to being used for sale of tickets and cafeteria food, is an important addition with the intention of improving the customer experience

The Cinepolis chatbot runs from the Facebook instant messenger service: Messenger . When the user opens the company's Facebook page, the chatbot appears and greets the user.

The robot, says Jaime Navarro, co-founder of Gus Chat, is made with a natural language processing engine and an artificial intelligence capable of solving doubts in less than 5 seconds.

Al Bot, you can view the billboard, schedules, nearby branches, the synopsis and the trailer, the opinions of other users, in addition to directing the user to the 39, interface of purchase and food. In addition, for VIP functions, you can order food and beverages from the cafeteria to the room.

A test conducted by El Financiero in a room of the complex located in Perisur revealed that the chatbot reacted almost immediately. . When you ask for popcorn, the robot asks you which flavor you want to order, the type of soft drink, and asks for the seat in which you place it. About 4 minutes later, the film staff submitted the order

Becerra said, in an interview, that Cinepolis intends to extend the chatbot to other platforms of instant messenger like WhatsApp, but in its initial version will only work on Facebook. He said that in the future the improvements will be to establish a direct link with the application and compatibility with promotions such as frequent customer cards, among others.

When Cinepolis' public relations director, Ramón Ramírez, was questioned about the confidentiality of the information that will be stored during conversations with the chatbot, said the data will never be shared with third parties.

"We will not sell the information to anyone.Our tour is not the sale of database, it's entertainment," he said. said.

The executive said, during the presentation, that the relevance of having a chatbot lies in the expansion of its multi-channel offering as currently 28% of its customers buy through alternative channels to the conventional ticketing. This figure in turn, is divided into 60 percent of the application, 30 percent on the web, 9 percent in ATMs and 1 percent of the call center.

Gus Chat is a Mexican company with 3 years of existence and 40 customers worldwide, who received about $ 2 million in two rounds of financing for the production of intelligent chatbots.

With information from El Financiero

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