Citizen Observer / Enrique Bautista – Quadratín Michoacán



Among the many challenges that the government led by Andre Manuel López Obrador, the country's president on December 1, is the rise of levels of attention to the health of the population. Chronic noncommunicable diseases, although largely hereditary, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, which are the leading cause of death in adults, are among the most important diseases that will need to be addressed. attack by prevention. the planet. According to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2012, they accounted for 82% of premature deaths, 68% of deaths in general and three quarters of deaths in low- and middle-income countries.
This type of chronic disease, caused largely by obesity, is a serious public health problem in Mexico, as it is the most prevalent adult disease. In the case of diabetes according to cautious figures, with 15.9%, and in the case of obesity, with 32.4% of the population.

Some of the factors that are indicated as the origin of obesity and overweight are: the low cost of processed foods high in fat, salt and sugar, the increase consumption of fast food and non-alcoholic beverages with high sweetener content and decreased physical activity, among others. It is estimated that three out of four Mexicans aged over 18 living in low-income areas are overweight or obese.

Although diabetes is a chronic disease of multiple causes, obesity is one of its major causes. In its initial stage, it produces no symptoms and when it is not treated properly, it causes serious health complications such as myocardial infarction, blindness, insufficiency renal, lower limb amputation and premature death. In recent decades, the number of people with diabetes has increased and is currently among the leading causes of death in Mexico; According to the 2012 National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT 2012), that year, about 6.5 million people were diagnosed with diabetes

Diabetes is a global health problem; WHO estimates indicate that in 1995 there were 30 million people in the world with diabetes, it is currently estimated that more than 400 million people are living with diabetes. The challenge in terms of what it represents for society is twofold: firstly, the large amount of resources required by health service providers for their care and, secondly, the economic and emotional cost to people with diabetes. their families It has been estimated that the life expectancy of people with diabetes is reduced to between 5 and 10 years. Preventing the development of diabetes can be very profitable through changes in lifestyles, especially in the diet and physical activity, as well as avoiding smoking. Good habits can delay the progression of diabetes. However, its cost-effectiveness depends on its implementation at the population level, particularly in countries at high risk of diabetes.

In recent decades, the number of people with diabetes has increased in Mexico. causes of death in the country. The 2012 ENSANUT data identified 6.4 million Mexican adults with the disease, that is, 9.2% of adults in Mexico had a diagnosis of diabetes for this disease. year; This figure is expected to reach a little over 6.5 million adults with the disease in 2018.

However, the total number of adults with diabetes could be double, according to earlier data on the percentage of non-diabetic diabetics. they know their condition. Of the total number of people who identified themselves as diabetic, about 16.5 had no type of medical support, whether it was from IMSS, ISSSTE or Seguro Popular (SP ) [19659002] Over the past three decades, the prevalence of diabetes has been an unprecedented increase and its growth rate has been one of the highest in the world. However, this problem has only recently been recognized as a priority requiring immediate attention and intersectoral action for better prevention, rapid diagnosis and control in the population.

In the ENSANUT 2012, 38,208 people were assessed adults who represent more than 69 million Mexicans. According to the body mass index (BMI) thresholds (kg / m2) proposed by WHO, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Mexico among adults was 71.28% (48.6 million people). The prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg / m2) in this group was 32.4% and that of being overweight was 38.8%. Obesity was higher among women (37.5%) than men (26.8%), in contrast to overweight, where males had a prevalence of 42.5% and females 35.5%. , 9%. The combined prevalence of overweight and obesity is only 3.6 percentage points higher among women (73.0%) than men (69.4%).

Given the accelerated increase in the number of children, adolescents and adults, men and women, overweight and obesity, and the emergence of diseases related to nutrition, such as diabetes, anemia, and hypertension, it was decided to conduct the National Mid-Term Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT ™) in 2016 to identify the level of health and nutrition of the population and strengthen or adjust the actions needed to stop them.
The MC ENSANUT consisted of a series of questions on the state of health and nutrition, such as the consumption of food and beverages, the understanding of food labeling, long-term illnesses , physical activity, immunization, health services and social programs of food aid to which we have access, and others. The results obtained were similar to those found four years ago through the ENSANUT 2012

In what specifically pertains to the state of Michoacán in (Sol de Morelia) there were 15 000 323 cases of Obesity in 2016 in the various institutions of the health system, and 10 thousand 691 of diabetes mellitus, according to the latest statistical population report in the entity published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography .
According to the data obtained in the study, both conditions are among the top 20 diseases caused by michoacanos and with greater enrollment in front of the health system.
According to Dr. José Narro Robles, Secretary of Health of the Federal Government, special attention should be given to obesity – which is the main cause of diabetes – because in the world this last condition has reached 422 million patients, while in Mexico the mortality of this disease was, in 1980 of 14 thousand people, rising to 105 thousand in 2016
According to the data presented by the journalist Liliana Hernández, of Cadena Digital (4 August 2017), from the Ministry of Health in Michoacán, in the first seven In 2017, 36 thousand 862 people were diagnosed with the disease, of whom 73.5% male and 24.5% male ; the disease, in most cases, is detected after the age of 40 years.

Although we do not have the exact number of michoacanos who have diabetes, because many cases are not detected or because those who suffer from it, it is estimated that at least 250,000 suffer from the disease .

The above-mentioned diseases: obesity, overweight, diabetes mellitus and hypertension, are mainly a public health problem that has worsened in the country, especially the poorest areas, in a sustainable way in recent decades . Its reduction and prevention will require more and more attention each day from different levels of government. Success in this regard will depend a lot on raising awareness of the population to the need to improve their eating habits, which depend a lot on the purchasing power of families, but also on information to distinguish healthy foods and beverages from others. This is what is known as junk food, as was the case for tobacco, whose consumption is encouraged excessively and unscrupulously and depends on the economic priorities of the companies that produce them and not the health and nutrition of consumers. In this regard, the government should evaluate the regulation of the sale of junk products in all areas, but especially in basic education schools.

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