Citizens Demand Agility in Natural Gas Jobs


Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- The work that is done in the city, directly on the Macario Gaxiola Boulevard, by the company Naturgy (formerly Natural Gas Fenosa) to bring natural gas caused The troubles in citizenship .

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They ask for speed to avoid road chaos. "There is a row of cars at the University of Durango and it takes more than 15 minutes to do, and to wait with these inclemencies of the sun, it's annoying," said Ms. Lucia Rodriguez, a resident of Durango. Versalles Residential.

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Leaving a single lane to make slits in the gas distribution network, a bottleneck is formed at peak times, a- he said. At the time, Alejandro Villanueva, head of Naturgy, said that it was a matter of doing as little chaos as possible.

In this note:

  • Discomfort
  • Road Chaos
  • Works
  • Natural Gas
  • Citizenship
  • Los Mochis

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