Claudia Sheinbaum, a woman of science



Jeans and a white blouse are her favorite items, a sign of the simplicity and honesty that she Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo claimed to adopt in her daily life and that Mexico City intends to apply through a "Republican austerity".

Small, thin, that's how the candidate now for head of government He appeared before thousands and thousands of citizens during the 90 days before the elections, but it does not lack courage to go out capital, especially in corruption, insecurity and the fight drug trafficking, claimed in several

She is a 56-year-old woman, still engaged in social causes. His first approach to injustice reminds him at the age of six, when he lived very close to Movimiento Estudiantil in 1968, because his mother was actively involved in this movement and marked the beginning of a struggle for better education conditions.

Photograph of June 2, 2002, at the opening of a workshop for the World Day of the Environment. Years later, as a student of the Faculty of Science of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) was part of Council of University Students (CEU) ] an organization created in 1986 whose objective was to prevent the privatization of this institution, because the university authorities sought to eliminate the free tuition fees and the "automatic pass" of the baccalaureate.

Through dialogue, demonstrations and even a strike in 1987, the movement succeeded in overthrowing the "Carpizo Plan", which alluded to Jorge Carpizo McGregor, then rector of UNAM, and who at through the document Strength and Weakness of UNAM purported to implement reforms to impose quotas on students.

This movement largely accompanied the founding of the Party of Democratic Revolution in 1989, It was led by great left-wing leaders such as Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Ifigenia Martínez, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo and Andrés Manuel López Obrador, d & # 39, where the relationship with Tabasco

Sheinbaum Pardo obtains a Bachelor's degree in physics Thermodynamic study of a domestic wood stove for rural use . He obtained a Master's degree in Energetic Engineering in 1994 with thesis Economics of the Efficient Use of Electrical Energy in Lighting

A year later , he traveled to California to conduct his research in the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to become a doctor of environmental engineering with the thesis Trends and Prospects for Residential Energy in Mexico also by UNAM.

Claudia Sheinbaum with members of the Surveillance and Conservation Brigade at the end of the forum How to save the great aquatic forest in San Nicolás Totolapan, March 9, 2006. Photo: Cuartoscuro

Go to Politics

His studies earned him the appointment of Secretary of the Environment of the Federal District in the cabinet of the then head of government, Andrés Manuel López Obrador Post she held almost six years. From there he directed the construction of the second floor of Periférico, the first line of the Metrobus in Insurgentes and the first confined way for bicycles in Paseo de la Reforma

Since then, his relationship with the Tabasco is virtually indestructible In 2006, she resigned to become a spokeswoman for López Obrador, who was seeking for the first time the presidency of the PRD.

After her unfortunate attempt to reach Los Pinos, Andrés Manuel named her National Defense Secretary called "Legitimate Government."

In a second attempt to occupy the presidency, Lopez Obrador announced it as part of his eventual cabinet where he will occupy the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources however, it was until 2015 that Sheinbaum Pardo managed to become delegate of Tlalpan through the newly formed party of Morena, led by tabasq ueño

During his tenure at the head from the largest delegation in the city, he has managed to create 21 cyber schools, centers for access to distance education for all ages, with which young people can finish their studies for free through d & # 39; 39; Internet; restored the International Sculpture Festival of Ollin Kan, and implemented a method of replacing the hydraulic system in the Ajusco region to bring water to the most deprived areas.

Image from July 1, 2001, when Claudia Sheinbaum was Environmental Secretary of the Federal District. Photo: Excelsior Archives

Environmental Specialist

Claudia Sheinbaum has written two books on Energy, the Environment and Sustainable Development: Environmental Issues of Mexico City and Energy consumption and CO emissions 2 of motor transport in Mexico .

It also has more than 100 specialized international publications among which Energy Efficiency in the Mexican Iron and Steel Industry from an International Perspective for the Journal of Cleaner Production

In addition, New Trends in Industrial Energy Efficiency in the Iron and Steel Industry of Mexico and The Use of Energy for Transportation in Mexico for both the Bureau of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI).

He was a member of [Groupedetravailintergouvernementalsurleschangementsclimatiques[1945]] [1] 9459007] who in 2007 won the Nobel Peace Prize. He is an active member of the editorial board of the newspapers Energy and Energy for Sustainable Development, of the publishing house Elsevier, both recognized in the Science Citation Index . He has obtained the Young University Prize for Technological Innovation Jesús Silva Herzog – in his version Problems of Development – and Sor Juana Inès de la Cruz

He is also a member of the National System of Researchers and the 39; Academy of Sciences ] was adviser of the Federal Electricity Commission at the Department of Economic Studies and the National Commission for the Energy Economy consultant to the World Bank and the United Nations Development Program. of the United Nations Commission on Development Policy.

Scientific Family

His grandparents, of European descent, migrated to Mexico from Bulgaria and Lithuania more than 80 years ago. Already in Mexico, the chemist Carlos Sheinbaum and the biologist Annie Pardo Cemo had on June 24, 1962 the second of their three children: Claudia

Agnostic in life Daily, but with Jewish roots whose religious practices applied to meetings not to break with family traditions, Claudia Sheinbaum thinks she is a woman of science, unpretentious to change the way of governing, accompanied by the academy .

He married Carlos Imaz Gispert whom he met at the CEU in 1986, since he was one of the great leaders of this movement. With him, a girl, Mariana Imaz Sheinbaum, who was born in 1988, also adopted Rodrigo Imaz Alarcón who was already six years old to meet Carlos. Sheinbaum said they raised them in the family and loved them too.

In 2016, as Head of Delegation in Tlalpan, Claudia Sheinbaum divorced Carlos Imaz after 20 years of relationship.

A woman with a discreet smile who claimed to have an austere life, because her education was funded by public institutions, where she got the tools to become one of the most influential women in politics Mexican and whose philosophy of life is to provide educational opportunities.

Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo was born on June 24, 1962. Her parents are Carlos Sheinbaum and Annie Pardo. Photo: Special



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