Close Toys R Us, historical toy store


The popular toy store Toys R Us closed its stores in the United States yesterday, for which he saw children and adults running for 70 years until he succumbed to debt and e-commerce. He praised "throughout the week, but the rest has done it today" forever, "Amy von Walter, vice president of global communications for the company, told EFE. "Sales opportunities" for its subsidiaries in other countries.

Thursday, in its last hours of operation, the Toys R Us big box in Long Island City, New York, seemed to be out of supply while several families searched what was left in a small space recovered with yellow plastic strips.

"I came for toys, but it's empty!", said a resident from the Holly neighborhood, who decided to take "everyday things to save" such as batteries or batteries.

The mother of two, aged five and fourteen, considered herself a regular buyer of the store, but she admitted that she had recently turned to Inte rnet. "Amazon Prime killed Toys R Us," he said.

Among magazines, stuffed animals and gift baskets reduced to 80 and 90%, another buyer, Luz, explained that she wanted to exchange three gift cards that she did not have. did not use. because "he used to come, but now the Internet" was easier for him to please his children.

The 182 institutions that he decided to relinquish in January were not enough to avoid bankruptcy, and since he announced that he was putting the lock in March, the # 1 The company liquidated the inventory of its 735 stores, which employed 33,000 people.

Weighed by the consumer habits of the digital age, but mostly by the debts, Toys R Us hosted last September at the US Bankruptcy Law in the hope of starting a new stage but ended up writing a final point.

Headquartered in Wayne, New Jersey, Toys R Us opened 1,600 stores worldwide during its 70 years in It was founded in 1948 by Charles Lazarus, a young man who repaired bicycles in Washington, DC and the arrival of . baby boom opened a nursery store that would evolve into the conglomerate of toys.

Lazarus died on March 22, one week after the closure and two banners disappeared in 2015: the Times Square store the one that had on the Fifth Avenue the historic brand FAO Schwarz, owned by Toys R Us since 2009.

The goodbye of his clients resonates today on social networks, where many have paid tribute before a photo of the store's mascot, the Giraffe Geoffrey saying goodbye with a suitcase.

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