Close Toys R Us your last shop


New York- Toys R Us will close its last store in the United States on Friday, which means the end of a chain of toy stores known by generations of kids and their parents for its many branches, the colorful logo and its mascot: giraffe Geoffrey.

But many children who happily sang the song of the announcement, have become busy parents who have found more convenient shopping online. The company, which also owned the Babies R Us chain, was affected by a $ 5 billion debt in a debt buyback that prevented it from investing and continuing.

By closing the last store in the United States, more than 30 thousand employees are looking for work. Toys R Us problems have also affected some of the big toy manufacturers like Mattel and Hasbro.

Customers who remain loyal to brands will have to look elsewhere. Stores like Walmart and Target will expand their toy racks to fill the void, while the Party City Toy Store will open 50 temporary stores in the coming months.

Toys R Us applied for a restructuring under the Bankruptcy Act. their sales were deficient during the crucial Christmas holidays as customers and traders avoided it. In January, he announced his intention to close some 180 stores, but in March he announced that he would liquidate the rest of his more than 700 branches.

Will the Toys R Us name and mascot disappear forever? An auction for the company name, registration for the baby shower and various trademarks will take place at the end of July.

The 16-foot tall statue of Giraffe Geoffrey who received visitors at Toys R Us Headquarters in Wayne, New Jersey, she will be transferred to a children's hospital. 39; State.

Many long-term employees are waiting to retire. "I will never have a job like Toys R Us," said employee Patty Van Fossan, 54, of Boardroom, Ohio, who was attending labor protests in New York to claim severance pay. should. "It was just the best job I had, I was surrounded by kids."


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