Closure of Bali International Airport due to eruption of Agung volcano


The Bali International Airport, the most touristic island in the Indonesian archipelago, is closed due to the eruption of the Agung volcano that generated a cloud of dust and ashes of 2 thousand meters.

"According to the weather forecast, the volcanic ash cloud will arrive at the airport on Friday morning," said spokesman Yanus Suprayogi in a statement.

The Denpasar airport, third in Indonesia, will not receive any flights. from 03:00 (19:00 GMT on Thursday) and should stay closed until at least 19:00 local time

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Before that wanders, about 50 flights had already been canceled in Bali, which affected more than 8,000 passengers

The Agung volcano often erupts since it woke up last year.

In November, the threat of an eruption caused chaos in transportation and affected Bali's economy, particularly the highly lucrative tourism sector.

The last great eruption of the Agung left about 1,600 dead in 1963.

Since September 22, the Agung eruption warning has cost the Balinese tourist industry 20 trillion rupees (about 1.241 million euros or about 1.476 million dollars), according to Nugroho

Indonesia, which has the largest number of active volcanoes in the world, it is located in the Pacific Fire Belt, a tectonic plate collision zone where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.

You may be interested in: Maintaining a Maximum Alert for the Activity of Agung Volcano in Indonesia

With EFE Information


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