Coahuila will watch four helicopters during the elections


Polling day today in Coahuila will be guarded also by air with four helicopters one for each area of ​​the entity, a given the government of the state.

In a statement, it was also revealed that the State Administration, as well as the National and Electoral Entities of Coahuila and maintained close relations with the Government in order to maintain the conditions of Sunday security

"On the instructions of the governor Miguel Angel Riquelme Solís, the Secretary of State, José María Fraustro Siller, informed that four helicopters were placed in the main State cities, units that will be covered by overflights all areas of Coahuila to provide in this way the vigilance that this important date requires for all Coahuilans and Mexicans " it was announced. 004] The helicopters will be in the regions Laguna, Centro-Desierto, Norte-Cinco Manantiales and Carbonifera as well as the south-east with springs in the city of Saltillo.

"All elements of the security organs of the three levels of government working in our state will be available and active, to safeguard the proper development of this election day in all regions of our entity " explained the secretary of the government

The statement also explains that the municipal police, the security forces who depend on the Public Security Secretariat of the State, as well as the elements of the Federal Police and the Mexican Army detached in our entity are under permanent surveillance before, during and after this election day.

The Secretary of the Government maintains a dialogue with the presidents of political parties and also provided personal security for certain local candidates who asked for it

"We did not no red light or complaint from National Electoral Institute (INE) because the risks that could have occurred were resolved within the deadlines, " assured Fraustro Siller.

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