CoinMarketCap announces changes in its policies to avoid fake volumes of operations – DiarioBitcoin


Among these measures is the incorporation of trading volumes within 7 to 30 days in order to be able to detect irregularities in the operations of the trading platforms enumerated.


popular site that serves as a reference when consulting the price of major cryptocurrencies, CoinMarketCap, has announced the update of its policies for trading listing after accusations of manipulation in the volume of transactions by an exchange service.

Among the changes implemented, the website removed the requirements associated with the volume of operations that was required for the list of trading platforms. In addition, the team announced further changes to correct the managed scoring system to date to prevent certain exchanges from publishing misleading information that benefit from it, as it now includes additional switches as templates for preferential rates and existing registrations.

He indicated that he would treat the data transmitted via the web portal with great transparency, and that instead of practicing a practice characterized by censorship and excessive control, the team of CoinMarketCap maintains as a principle to provide all the necessary data and hold their users accountable for the economic decisions they wish to make based on the information processed.

Our philosophy goes hand in hand with providing as much information as possible to our users, so that they can draw their own conclusions. interpretations, and not guided by information that can co "

Now, all listed trading platforms will display trading volumes between 7 and 30 days, so that it will be possible to track the information reflected and check for various unusual fluctuations in business activities.

This week, a large number of users and digital media have criticized the data disseminated by the exchange platforms listed on the site. The integration of platforms to low-cost operating models resulted in the recording of an increase in the volume of operations, as they treated lower rates for the transactions, which allowed them to position themselves quickly in the first positions of the ranking. managed by CoinMarketCap.

However, these are not the only exchanges noted for manipulating their volumes of business operations. It highlights the case of BitForex, which was examined in the top 10 platforms listed daily by CoinMarketCap, since it was accused by the cybersecurity company CER

The OKEx Exchange Platform was also accused of falsifying its transaction volumes and reporting exaggerated data in order to attract more motivated customers by the apparent trade flow.

Source: ToshiTimes / CoinDesk

Version by Angel Di Matteo / DiarioBitcoin

Main image taken from CoinMarketCap

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