Colima implements the rescue operation 'Summer 2018 & # 39; for holidays


In the port of Manzanillo, Colima, the Sixth Naval Region launched the Operational Rescuer "Summer 2018" to guarantee the safety of domestic and foreign tourists who visit the beaches of the states of Colima, Jalisco, Michoacán and Nayarit during the holidays

In Colima, 143 members of the Marine Infantry, two smaller vessels, two interceptor patrol boats, two Defender-type rescue vessels, one MI helicopter, two ambulances and six logistics vehicles will participate.

Moreover, they will be established. Rescue stations, integrated by naval health personnel, lifeguard staff and we will have the assistance and security presence of the marine infantry units, which will provide security and assistance to tourists, "said Admiral Jorge Alberto Burguete Kaller, Commander of the Sixth Naval Region.

This operation is carried out on the most visited beaches in coordination with the authorities of the three levels of government and the Civil Protection

Our recommendation is that people only bathe in the sea on supervised beaches, and if this condition occurs, it is very important to pay attention to the flags, "said Ricardo Ursúa, director of Colima State Civil Protection Unit

For this summer season, it is estimated that more than 135,000 tourists visit the entity.

It's a long season and we're more, "said Nicté Mújica, director of Tourism Trust Colima.

The Department of Health reported that seawater in the 14 busiest beaches on the island. The municipalities of Armory, Tecomán and Manzanillo are fit for recreational use and their contact poses no risk to the health of the population.

The Lifeguard Operation "Summer 2018" in effect from July 7 to August 19.

You can also read : Federal and state forces monitor Quintana Roo and Yucatan during holidays

With information from Bertha Reynoso

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