Colombia: One of the leaders of the ELN dies in the confrontation


BOGOTÁ (AP) – The Colombian authorities announced that one of the main and oldest leaders of the guerrilla group of the National Liberation Army (ELN ) died in a confrontation with the police department Bolívar in northern Colombia.

Minister of Defense, Luis Carlos Villegas said Friday that Jacobo David Acuña alias " Samuelito " or the "Profe", 58, died on the eve of the scuffle in the region La Cienaguita south of Bolívar . He added that Acuña was a member of the national leadership and several war fronts of the subversive group.

" Samuelito was a trusted person in the alias Nicolás Bautista political leader of ELN and he hid in Venezuelan territory and had arrived in Colombian territory for a few hours, "explains Villegas.

He pointed out that Acuña had been at ELN for 30 years, during which the minister said he was involved in mass abductions, the assassination of several mayors and of two priests in the region

The National Attorney General's Office charged him with crimes of murder, extortion, rebellion and drug trafficking

. Police, "Samuelito" moved between Colombia and Venezuelan territory and used to transport large amounts of money resulting from extortion, illegal mining and drug trafficking.

ELN delegates and the government of President Juan Manuel Santos hold peace talks in Havana, Cuba. ELN was founded in the 1960s and has about 1,500 members, according to the authorities.

In this note:

  • Colombia
  • Bogotá
  • National Liberation Army

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