Colombia: she refused to have sex and he ripped the scalp [VIDEO]


October 27, 2018 5:30 pm

A subject in Colombia decided to tear his partner's scalp after she repeatedly refused to have sex because this man was disgusting.

The criminal, identified as Armando José Castro Maldonadoasked to stay with the children of Kenede Susana Vega Garizao, your partner.

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She acceded to this request without knowing that she was planning a terrible ordeal.

The woman told the authorities that during their sleep, José Castro Maldonado I wanted to have sex but she was tired of him and flatly refused.

The guy, aside from himself, went to the kitchen, took a knife, came back into the room and cut off the scalp.

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"I had the impression of killing myself in the presence of my children, I feared the worst, even the only thing I expected was not to attack my children," he said. he admits. Vega Gariazo.

The man, who belongs to the band called Los Kuervos, was not happy to leave several people in the head to his former partner.

The doctors of Colombia They had to operate the woman several times so that she could recover her scalp.

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The man, originally from Barranquilla, already had a history of aggression. Once, he wanted to drown it in a water tank.

"He always hit her on the head because he said that if he beat her like that, he would leave no mark or blues to denounce, he was beating her because he was jealous, because he was sick, because he was a deranged, addict, "said the victim.

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