Column deformity may decrease lung capacity and cause death


Guadalajara .- Scoliosis or deformity of the spine can result in an inability to move, cardiopulmonary disease and even death, especially in women, reported today Francisco orthopedic doctor Cruz López.

The spinal surgery specialist explained that if the distortion occurs at the dorsal column, that is, between the neck and the lumbar region where the chest is located, the lungs will have less space and expansion, a condition that worsens over the years.

"They have pulmonary and cardiac insufficiency, which is the main consequence if they are not treated opportunely, they can die in a young adult stage between 40 and 45 years old and, in very severe cases, in "childhood" at a press conference and reported Efe.

Scoliosis is a deformity that occurs primarily at puberty or adolescence where the spine takes the form of an "S" or a "C".
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this condition affects up to 3% of the world's population and occurs mostly in women.

E In 65% of cases, the cause of the disease is unknown, although it also has a congenital component, especially in cases where it is associated with a bifid return and certain disorders neuromuscular.

Cruz López explained that the disease has no symptoms since its inception, although once it progresses, the child or the child has been diagnosed with it. teenager suffers from back pain, neurological alterations or defects in one of his legs deviate somewhere.
This modification can also occur in the first months of life.

In these latter cases, infants may undergo surgery to implant a special bar that maintains the spine and is modified as the child grows, he added.

If scoliosis is detected early, surgery and cardiopulmonary changes can be avoided. Conversely, if they are not treated in the early stages, patients will not be able to withstand surgery due to lung oppression and low heart capacity.

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