Companies launch the Monterrey Digital Hub


Positioning Monterrey as a digital transformation center, supporting entrepreneurship and developing human capital, is one of the goals jointly pursued by local businesses with the launch of Monterrey Digital Hub ( MDH )

Alfa, Cemex, Continental Arca, FEMSA, Banorte, Deacero, Neoris, IBM, the Monterrey Tecnológico, the University of Monterrey (Udem) and the University Autonomous of Nuevo León (UANL)

Alberto de Armas, President of the Council MDH noted that "the world is moving from a very process economy to an economy of innovation and development. Development and digital technology is that makes it all easier.

Some of the founding member companies have lived it, challenging the company to rethink the way they work, the talent they need and position themselves to better leverage change s technological happenings every minute.

in this common need to build the Hub. "

At the presentation of the MDH, the manager said that another of the goals to be achieved was to reduce the flight of talents abroad . of Monterrey is being exported to work on digital issues in the United States and in other parts of the world, because the digital and technological industry in Mexico has not yet exploded. will be the first time for companies, in addition to talent, to join Monterrey to create not only talent, but also technology jobs and businesses in the community. "

The MDH is the first ecosystem in digital transformation in the country where companies, academic institutions, entrepreneurs and digital talents meet to revolutionize organizations and communities through technology and the busin ess numerical model

Eduardo de la Garza general manager of the project, said: "We are at a turning point. There have been few cases where the private sector, universities and the community recognize a wave of change with respect to the innovation and cognitive economy and today these companies are being added with a very clear mission. The reality is that they come to transform Monterrey put it on the map on the theme of digital innovation, talent development, entrepreneurship and transformation. Generate leaders of the industry. "

He noted that through its methodology learn, work, connect, designed in collaboration with Galvanize, allows interaction between entrepreneurs, investment funds, digital talent and accelerators, among others.

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