Condemns the murder of a Mexican journalist by the UN


The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN-DH) of Mexico condemned the killing of journalist Rubén Pat Cahuich, director of the Playa News Weekly, and pointed out that the homicide was committed after was threatened and tortured by the municipal police

UN-DH reported receiving information that the journalist had been arrested, threatened and tortured by the Solidaridad municipal police, Quintana Roo, June 25th.

the data, the communicator had published information that would link local officials with organized crime.

Pat Cahuich was a beneficiary of the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists and was killed early today in Playa del Carmen.

UN-DH recalled that on June 29, José Guadalupe Chan Dzib, who was also a journalist at the Playa News Weekly, was murdered.

In the announcement of the assassination of Chan Dzib, the UN-DH insisted that the authorities guarantee "protective measures for their colleagues", specifically mentioning Rubén Pat.

On this occasion, Jan Jarab, UN representative DH in Mexico, said: "Today, we spoke with colleagues from Mr. Pat and they conveyed to us the risk and the fear that they have to face to accomplish their work, an essential task for a free, democratic and plural society.Many of them have recently received threats, which is extremely disturbing. "

With the murder of Pat Cahuich, eight journalists were murdered in Mexico in 2018, while Agustín Silva has been missing since January. [19659002JanJarabadéclaréqu'"ilestimpératifdemeneruneenquêterapideapprofondieetefficacequiinclutletravailjournalistiquedeRubénPatetdel'hebdomadairePlayaNewsetquitientcompteducontextedesmenacesetdesattaquescontrelesmembresdelamoyenIncontestablementlajusticeestlamesurepréventivelaplusefficaceetcellequipeutdonnerlacertitudeetlasécuritéauxcollèguesdeRubén"

C & # 39; did …

L & # 39; dawn on Tuesday, the director of the & # 39 Weekly digital "Playa News", Ruben Pat, has been shot six times, after leaving the bar "Arre", located in the center of Playa del Carmen, municipality of Solidaridad.

The homicide took place a little over a month after they killed, in a Puerto Felipe Carrillo bar, José Chan Dzib, a reporter from the police source who collaborated for the weekly.

This morning, the city government reported the crime and activated the protocols He asked to review the motorized units and vehicles inside the city, as well as the police filters north and south of the city. the municipality

Meanwhile, the government of Quintana Roo asked the Attorney General's office to open an investigation. The city council and the state government both condemned what happened and offered their condolences to the relatives of the communicator, who ran the electronic portal.

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