Condusef's defense actions in Puebla recorded a 26% increase


  Bank Cards

PUEBLA, Puebla .- The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of the Users of Financial Services (Condusef) has alerted consumers, particularly when they carry out transactions with customers. credit or debit cards. to avoid being a victim of fraud or abuse.

The chief of the dependency in Puebla, Rafael Vallejo Minutti, reported that until now in 2018 have served 16,000 defense actions, for the same number of users, this means an increase of 26 % compared to the 2017 figure, although there are still strong commercial seasons to record in which there is a greater number of incidents.

On the total number of shares presented in the unit, 60% refer to to credit and debit cards, mainly for unrecorded charges and secondly for identity theft

According to national information, the Puebla delegation is in the second group of states with the highest participation in user services with 2%, exceeded by the central metropolitan area with a participation of 4%.

To date, the month in which the greatest number of complaints was filed was April, with 3,000,458, and the one with the lowest incidence was the month of May, with 2,000,977 attentions.

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