Confirm Playboy Trump-girl audio link


The former personal attorney of US President Donald Trump, secretly recorded when he talked about paying an old Playboy model, who said he had had relations with the tycoon, reported the newspaper The New York Times ]

Trump's current lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, confirmed to the newspaper the accuracy of recordings, which lasted less than two minutes

According to Giuliani, Trump asked Michael Cohen when he made a payment, that he did it with a check so that it was documented.

"Nothing in this conversation suggests that he had come to know before," Giuliani told the newspaper. "In a general setting, it's an excellent exculpatory test."

According to the note, Cohen did the recording two months before the 2016 presidential election, won by Trump.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) entered the registry last April, when he attacked Cohen's office, the Times reported.

The Journal The Wall Street Journal revealed, days before the election, that the tabloid National Enquirer led by David Pecker, a Trump supporter, had paid $ 150,000 for shut up Karen McDougal.

Cohen is the subject of an investigation to determine whether he has violated the legislation on the financing of political parties. This survey focuses on the affairs of his office and also his role in the intermediation of payments to women to buy his silence about his alleged relationship with Trump before the start of the election campaign.

Cohen did not respond to requests for statements His lawyer Lanny Davis declined to speak with the Times .

McDougal says that he had an affair with the tycoon, which began in 2006, shortly after the birth of Barron Trump, the youngest son of the president, the result of his marriage with the current first lady, Melania Trump.

The FBI raided Cohen's office in April on the order of the special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, who investigated whether the Trump campaign committee was in collusion with Russian officials for s & ## 39, interfering in the elections of 2016.

He became famous in the United States admitting that before the 2016 campaign, he paid $ 130,000 to a porn actress, Stormy Daniels, to buy his silence on the relations she allegedly maintained with Trump, at the same time that there were meetings with McDougal


President Vladimir Putin is in principle willing to hold further meetings with Donald T. rump, said the Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, after the White House announced the invitation to the Kremlin leader to surrender in Washington in the autumn

"We are still open to such proposals ". . "But first of all, you have to assimilate the meeting (between Putin and Trump in Helsinki) and understand what has been achieved between the two presidents," he added, according to the Interfax news agency [19659016]. Joint statements with Putin after a meeting in Finland Monday

At the press conference with Putin, Trump denied his own intelligence agencies and prosecutors about the alleged Kremlin interference in the 2016 elections. said that he had been wrong in his statements.

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