Confirmed 10 dead and 40 wounded after the earthquake in Indonesia


At least 10 people died, 40 others were injured and dozens of buildings collapsed after the magnitude 6.4 earthquake and aftershocks that rocked the island today Indonesian Lombok East of the Archipelago

"The earthquake caused 10 dead [1945woundedanddozensofhomesdamaged"saidSutopoPurwoNugrohowearingbytheNationalAgencyforDisasterManagement(BNPB)19659005] Eight deaths, one of them of Malaysian nationality and the other Indonesians, took place in the eastern region of Lombok and the rest in the northern band of the island.

Detail of damage to a house. AP

The 6.4 magnitude earthquake was felt about ten seconds in Lombok, causing panic as residents left their homes early in the morning

. 104 responses also affected the neighboring islands of Bali the main tourist destination of the country, and Sumbawa

The head of the Meteorological Agency, Climatology and Geophysics, Dwikorita Karnawati, urged the population to remain vigilant against the aftershocks of the fault located on the north coast of the island despite its decline in intensity.

Image showing a road damaged by the earthquake. EFE

Lombok Red Cross spokeswoman Aulia Arriani told Efe that people "are afraid and stay abroad" of buildings and added that their organization would send blankets, tarpaulins, sleep packs and help for affected families.

A video published by the BNPB shows a person who enters a municipal health center but with debris inside and, when a replica occurs, quickly returns to the road, where a dozen people go gather.

On the tourist island of Bali in the west of Lombok thousands of visitors could feel the shaking, while in the western part from Sumbawa to the east of Lombok some buildings collapsed.

Sutopo said that access to the active volcano Rinjani, one of the tourist attractions of Lombok, was closed damaged by land avalanches.

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