Confirmed death of a 4-year-old girl due to the flu



A four-year-old girl died of the influenza A virus [H1N1] . The miner is from Choluteca, southern region of the country

El HERALDO learned that the girl's parents took 10 days to take her to the hospital after that She had experienced the symptoms of swine flu

The illness of the minor was complicated and he died last week at Hospital del Sur . Health authorities confirmed until Monday the death with the results of laboratory tests

Doctors recommend that people go immediately to a health facility if they experience the symptoms. With the new death, deaths reach 18 and there is another case

Of the total number of laboratory-confirmed deaths, 13 are adults, most with chronic diseases, and five children.

Roberto Cosenza Deputy Minister of Health, informs that they are about to confirm whether an 11-year-old boy has also died of the virus.

The miner arrived last week with severe pneumonia in the hospital South and lost his life. To date, a total of 357 people with influenza are reported nationally. Of this total, 273 are for influenza type A H1N1 and 84 for influenza type B.

"Nationally 897,102 people were vaccinated and The goal is He added that the application of the vaccine has been extended for one week to cover populations at risk of the virus.Cortés and Francisco Morazán are the departments that report the most cases.

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