Confirms the triumph of the PREP of AMLO


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The presidential candidate of the Juntos Haremos Historia coalition, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, confirmed his triumph as president for the period 2018-2024, with 52.95% of the votes, which allowed a citizen participation at the polls 62,68 With the figures of the PREP, which finished yesterday its operation at 20:29 with 92,46% of the recordings, López Obrador confirmed that there remained two one against Ricardo Anaya, of the Por México coalition al Frente, who obtained 22.50% of votes

However, Anaya tripled the voices of José Antonio Meade, candidate of the All for Mexico coalition, which was left with 16.40% of the vote, according to the results of the PREP

The independent presidential candidate, Jaime Heliodoro Rodriguez Calderon, El Bronco, was in fourth position, with 5.13% of the votes cast Sunday

The figures confirmed the results announced yesterday at 23:00 by the president of l & # 39; Institute Electoral Nationality (INE), Lorenzo Córdova, during the presentation of the expected voting ranges following the rapid count of the elections.

The margins established by this statistical exercise, between 53% and 53.8% of the votes for Andrés Manuel López Obrador, remained virtually stable over the next 24 hours, during which the PREP data were disseminated. minutes of each of the 156 000 794 boxes installed last Sunday throughout the national territory.

Cordova Vianello yesterday summarized her election day and ratified that the agency was complying with it because she organized an unprecedented process "The INE did its job and the Election was a success "in all respects, established the president-advisor.

that next Sunday, concluding district calculations that of Wednesday will be done in each of the 300 districts in which the country is divided and which will give the results, now official, will communicate with the winner of the contest, López Obrador and with the other candidates.

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