Conflictiva, appointment of an anti-corruption prosecutor in Veracruz


Veracruz.- After his appointment as anti-corruption prosecutor in Veracruz, Marcos Even Torres Zamudio assured that his proximity to the prosecutor Jorge Winckler Ortiz would not harm its objectivity, will investigate everyone without distinction.
"This whole server will have to take responsibility for its actions," he said.

He denied that his appointment was an imposition, since he said "there was an agreement". In addition, he indicated that the challenges of the rest of the contenders would not affect his appointment.

"Once the call launched, we recruited 25 professionals and presented the corresponding documentation early in the year when the call was launched." I submitted all the documents and they gave us an appointment before the Committee on Public Procurement. Thirdly, there was an agreement not to raise the issue in the elections and now the appointment is made, "he said.

The legislative groups of Morena, PRI and 'Juntos por Veracruz & # 39; ignored and disavowed the appointment of Torres Zamudio for being illegally elected by PAN and PRD.

Juan David Ovando Aguilar who aspired to the position, said that the guarantees of the rest of those who were enrolled in the summons issued by the current legislature were violated, so that in case of non-recourse they would appeal in international courts in the case Human Rights .

"We wish to meet several candidates for the purpose of resorting to collective action, this may be an amparo for violation of the legality of the process, since they have left our rights vulnerable and the law does not. Has not been applied to all ".

For his part, another candidate for the post, Jeremías Zúñiga Mezano broadcast a video through his social networks in which he deems it unfortunate that the local deputies PAN and PRD lose the capacity of 39 to listen to civil society and that the legislative procedure for which they themselves have been violated has been violated, which is why it will challenge the designation because it was carried out illegally.

The elected governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García Jiménez assured that the appointment of the anti-corruption prosecutor by PAN and PRD groups to the local Congress will be brought to court because it was made in violation of the Veracruz Constitution, which states that this appointment must be approved by two-thirds of the Congress.

So, the appointment must have met at least 34 votes of local lawmakers, however, it was approved with 27, so they will challenge.

"The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor will be responsible for investigating the actions of the current Governor and we do not want him to come to cover his back," said President-elect.

Finally, the governor of Veracruz, Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares stated that the manner in which the appointment of the anti-corruption prosecutor was given to the State Congress is part of his autonomy, as well he was told happy of this autonomy.

"The State Congress is totally autonomous and the Governor respects this autonomy, I am happy that we have made a change of institutions, deeply in Veracruz," he said.

With only 27 of the 34 votes represented by the qualified majority of the local Congress, PAN and PRD deputies named Marcos Even Torres Zamudio, a visitor to the prosecutor in Veracruz as a specialized prosecutor. in Fighting Corruption in the State for a period of five years, this during a session that lasted about seven hours in which there were shouts of slogans, shootings, shootings and tribune shots.

Veracruz Congress security personnel had to protect Torres Zamudio to enter the premises and protest before the refusal samples of the assistants.

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