Congo confirms that it has defeated the Ebola epidemic


  Congo confirms that the Ebola epidemic has been defeated

Health officials said the rapid international response and vaccination of more than 3,300 people were key factors to contain the epidemic. Epidemic


The Congo confirmed on Tuesday that he had defeated the most recent Ebola outbreak that had sickened 54 people.

After a 42-day period when no cases were recorded, the Ministry of Health announced that the outbreak had been stifled.

There were 54 cases of Ebola including 33 deaths, in the outbreak declared in early May in the northwestern province of Ecuador.

Health authorities said the rapid international response and the vaccination of more than 3 thousand 300 people have been the fundamental factors to contain the epidemic, the ninth in Congo since haemorrhagic fever was identified in 1976.

Although the scale of the crisis we have faced is unprecedented The response of the government and its partners has also been exceptional, "said Minister of Health Dr. Oly Ilunga Kalenga [19659010] The epidemic worsened by extending to the town of Mbandaka with more than one million inhabitants.

The other initial cases were produced in hard-to-reach rural areas lacking basic infrastructure and electricity, which complicated the task of vaccination.

Prepared for the worst case, "said Minister, "and our fears were quickly Confirmed with the appearance, on Wednesday, May 16, of the first cases of Ebola in the city of Mbandaka. "

International organizations will remain Congo to monitor and monitor the situation.

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