Congo faces the worst Ebola outbreak in its history


The outbreak of Ebola declared on 1 August in the provinces of Ituri and North Kivu, in the north-east of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has become today the worst in history the African country, which is not the deadliest, with a record number of 319 infections.

"The epidemic of North Kivu and Ituri is the most serious in the history of the DRC," confirmed today Congolese Minister of Health, Oly Ilunga, in a statement, "it has just exceeded (in the number of cases) the first outbreak recorded in 1976 in Yambuku, in the province of Ecuador".

So far, the outbreak in Yambuku, after which this disease has been discovered, is named after the Congo River Ebola, was not only the deadliest in the country, with 280 deaths, but also the one with the largest number of cases.

The current outbreak, with 198 probable deaths – including 163 laboratory-confirmed – is the third deadliest in the country, according to figures released today by the Ministry of Health. Congolese to this day of November 8th.

It is exceeded only by the number of deaths – out of a total of ten homes registered in the history of the DRC – for the first of 1976 and the third declared in 1995 in the city of Kikwit, in which 250 people were killed .

"No other epidemic in the world has been as complex as what we are currently experiencing," said Oly Ilunga, recalling the strong social rejection, threats and attacks that are commonly faced by the medical and humanitarian teams deployed in the country. the region. .

At this resistance of a certain part of the population to deal with Ebola – due to ignorance, fear caused by a disease that can become deadly and to cultural beliefs – adds to it. Instability prevailing in these areas of northeastern Congo.

"The Ebola It's a terrifying disease. Significant efforts are needed to improve the confidence of local communities, especially in Beni, "the epicenter of a second wave of this virus and where episodes of violence are repeated," according to sources of Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

"This lack of trust is naturally exacerbated in a context marked by violent conflict for years and where public mistrust of the authorities is deeply rooted," said MSF.

This is the first time that an epidemic of Ebola Its epicenter is a conflict zone where hundreds of armed groups operate, causing the continuous displacement of hundreds of thousands of people who may have been in contact with the virus.

Insecurity complicates and limits the work of health personnel who, during burials in safe havens, have been attacked or even kidnapped by rebel groups, as was the case with three police officers. civil protection and an epidemiologist at the beginning of the month. the city of Matembo.

In an attempt to combat this rejection, field teams such as MSF or Unicef ​​have Ebola survivors in their outreach teams, who treat patients in the same way and show them that the Ebola virus can to be earned if you are treated at the time.

The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, confirmed this week after a visit to the affected area, that "the end of the disease is still far"and describes as" truly commendable "the efforts of volunteers and medical staff in the field.

For its part, on October 30, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution expressing its concern and calling for the cessation of fighting to facilitate the early eradication of the disease.

Since 8 August, the date of the beginning of the vaccination campaign by the authorities, more than 27,832 people have been vaccinated, mainly in the cities of Mabalako, Beni, Mandima, Katwa and Butembo.

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