Congress demands that the SSY clarify the flu situation in Yucatan


MERIDA, YUC.- The Secretary of Health of Yucatán Jorge Mendoza Mezquita, will provide the Congress of State with timely information on the influenza situation and if the number of cases that are presented meets the criteria for declaring the current epidemic of the disease as epidemic.

The Health Commission will meet to consider the information requested from the Secretary of Health

In addition, it will be put to a vote, in extraordinary session, the appearance of the official before the legislature to explain if yes or not the epidemic exists, with the appropriate scientific subsistence.

The chairman of the health committee of the LXI legislature, Manuel Díaz Suárez, said in an interview that he would ask Mendoza Mezquita all the official information available on the influenza b flu in Yucatan.

"I will ask today (for yesterday) all the information must be delivered to the legislative branch, in writing, and then, that the consequences and responsibilities are assumed." In addition, I ask you officially and in writing, if we already have the criteria for an epidemic to be declared, to do so, as this would imply that the government should implement preventive measures and disseminate them.He would convene the Council National Health and should take drastic measures, "he said.

It should be noted that the executive today called on members of the National Board of Health of Yucatan at an extraordinary session, which took place this morning, at the Yucatan Convention Center "Siglo XXI"


According to the Yucatan Ministry of Health (SSY), there are up to 39 now 998 suspected cases (in study) of influenza, 92 cases ositifs and four deaths related to the disease. However, informally, we are talking about at least 20 deaths due to this disease.

As we reported yesterday, the Union Congress appealed to the Ministry of Health to verify the health situation. AH1N1 influenza epidemic.

The warrant sent to the Secretary of Health, Jorge Mendoza Mezquita, states "that he considers the availability of services necessary to assist in a timely and timely manner for the people of Yucatan who present the infectious image of influenza AH1N1, which currently affects the Yucatan. "

MP Díaz Suárez also said yesterday that the great error of the SSY was reporting it the state of the epidemic.

"He has not been able to communicate to society and this is not new, it has happened since the beginning of the administration.For example, in the case from Chikungunya and Zika, they denied that there were cases and did not give any explanation. "

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