Controlled, outbreak of hepatitis A recorded in Angamacutiro


MORELIA, Mich., July 10, 2018.- The Ministry of Health informs that after recording an outbreak of hepatitis A in the city capital of Angamacutiro, which resulted in the death of two people, an immediate epidemiological closure that allowed to control and prevent its spread to other people in the community.

According to a statement, the actions carried out, in coordination with the Directorate General of Epidemiology of the Federal Ministry of Health, included the implementation of a surveillance fence to determine the cause of the disease. Epidemic and thus guarantee the health of affected family members and the general population as it is a contagious disease.

Among the tasks performed, laboratory analysis of samples of: municipal water network, irrigation channels and sewage treatment plants, distribution of food and of food. Special attention was given to all those who had direct or indirect contact with the affected persons and samples were taken for clinical analyzes.

As part of the actions implemented, all persons, regardless of their age, of Angamacutiro, presenting or having since May symptoms known as jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), colitis (dark urine) and liver function disorders.

The same applies for residents who have two or more of the following signs and symptoms; fever, fatigue, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, rhinorrhea, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, hepatic encephalopathy, weight loss, hepatomegaly or splenomegaly, and asymptomatic persons with an epidemiological link to a confirmed case

Similarly, infectious infectious disease Epidemiological Brigade interviewed and explored 28 patients who were identified by the intentional case search with the following results:

12 probable cases were identified in the intentional search, of which four were identified by epidemiological association; Four other cases were confirmed by a private laboratory (chemiluminescence of anti-HAV IgM antibodies), and 12 people were rejected because they did not meet the operational definition or clinical criteria.

To date and since the beginning of the outbreak, eight cases have been identified (4 by epidemiological association and 4 by a private laboratory).
Among the measures implemented, a series of recommendations were issued to ensure the health of the population, such as strengthening epidemiological surveillance, health promotion, strengthen the monitoring of residual chlorine in the water system. municipal water, improve sanitation and hygiene practices, sample food handlers such as water from restaurants and food stalls and monitor lab results in a timely manner . sampled cases.

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